Art has been a constant for me since I was very little. I studied art through high school but also took 3 years of Latin because my goal was to become an orthopedic surgeon. I took a few classes in college to create balance while I worked on my biology degree. It was not until I was in medical school that I decided I was not cut out for that line of work since it would mean I wouldn't have time to paint!
When I left school, I tried many different careers including veterinary technician, database architect and alpaca rancher and continued drawing and painting tributes to my experiences. Ultimately it didn't matter what I did to pay the bills, I still found time to paint. Although I have painted many different subjects, I particularly love figure painting. Anatomy is still my favorite subject. Now that I am older and more settled, I can paint everyday, sometimes on location and often with a live model to keep my skills sharp.
My goal as an artist is to make beautiful art. I study art and techniques constantly to try to make that happen.
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Heather Arenas ~ Plein air painter

Josep Teixido, 1956 | Abstract palette knife painter
Josep Teixido was born in Calella, Barcelona, and currently resides in Vilassar de Mar, also in the province of Barcelona, Spain. He has exhibited his work for over 25 years in Spain and France.
With warm colours, and his unique palette knife technique, his exotic paintings instantly capture the attention of the viewer, allowing them to dream and take a journey of the senses. Always playing with our perception, Josep subtly oscillates between the figurative and the abstract, while transporting us to gorgeous locations reminiscent of his homeland.
With warm colours, and his unique palette knife technique, his exotic paintings instantly capture the attention of the viewer, allowing them to dream and take a journey of the senses. Always playing with our perception, Josep subtly oscillates between the figurative and the abstract, while transporting us to gorgeous locations reminiscent of his homeland.
Oleg Oprisco, 1987 ~ Surrealist photographer

Norma Mascellani
La pittrice Italiana Norma Mascellani (1909-2009), allieva di Giorgio Morandi, Alfredo Protti, Guglielmo Pizzirani e Giovanni Romagnoli, è stata una pittrice figurativa -ritratti, nature morte, paesaggi- con qualche risvolto metafisico.
Ha partecipato alla Biennale di Venezia XXII, 1939; XXV, 1950 ed alla Quadriennale di Roma III, 1939; VI, 1951; VII, 1955, e varie personali in Italia o nel 2005 al Parlamento Europeo di Bruxelles.
Ha ottenuto diversi riconoscimenti, sia artistici che per meriti sociali (ha fatto numerose opere di beneficenza), fra cui la "Stella d'oro della bontà " conferitale dal cardinale Giacomo Lercaro nel 1962, il titolo di Cavaliere ricevuto dal Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giuseppe Saragat 1967, e altri. È morta, centenaria, il 7 dicembre 2009, dopo una breve malattia.
Marci Oleszkiewicz 1979 | Impressionist painter
American painter🎨 Marci Oleszkiewicz-Taylor has been studying art and painting for some time, it wasn't until 2007 when things started to move forward and she began to see what the future might hold for her as an artist.
Upon entering several art competitions Marci was not only accepted in two of the top shows, The Oil Painters of America's national show and the American Impressionist Society's national show, but also received very substantial awards from both.
She received an award🎨 of excellence from the OPA and the best of show award from the AIS. Not long after, she was included in Southwest Art Magazine's 21 under 31 and had her first two man show at Gallery Russia in Scottsdale, AZ.
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