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Leonardo da Vinci | Parla il musico col pittore

Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /26

Dice il musico, che la sua scienza è da essere equiparata a quella del pittore, perché essa compone un corpo di molte membra, del quale lo speculatore contempla tutta la grazia in tanti tempi armonici quanti sono i tempi ne' quali essa nasce e muore, e con quei tempi trastulla con grazia l'anima che risiede nel corpo del suo contemplante.

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Michael Klein, 1980 | The Novorealism Movement

American painter Michael Klein is a bourgeoning artist in the NovoRealism Movement creating melancholic paintings that have a distinct, contemplative quality.
Klein grew up in the Midwest where he developed a special connection with nature and a desire to express himself accurately through his work.
He began his academic training at just 19 with Richard Whitney and subsequently enrolled in Richard Lack’s The Atelier in Minneapolis, MN.

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Juan Fortuny, 1939 | Impressionist / Realist painter

Juan Fortuny was born in Badalona, a small fishing town near to Barcelona.
A work of art signed by Fortuny is, first and foremost, a suite of details, each and every one of which is of primary importance. A surprising and outstanding composition, fruit of long years of experience with colours, canvas, techniques, visits to galleries and museums. The route that leads to Juan Fortuny today takes the traveller backwards in time, to his childhood. Four years later his affair with drawings, his passion, triumphed and started a new career as a painter.

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Dariusz Żejmo, 1966 | Fantasy /Venice painting

Dariusz Zejmo has graduated Fine Arts School and Fine Arts Faculty at Nicolas Copernicus University (painting) in Toruń, Poland under the guidance of prof. Janusz Kaczmarski. Zejmo is the author of illustration and artwork to several dozen books, publishing graphic designer, magazine covers and illustrations for children.

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Van Gogh: Sogno di dipingere e poi dipingo il mio sogno!

'Bisogna aver sempre presente la meta da raggiungere e che la vittoria ottenuta dopo un'intera vita di laboriosa fatica vale più di un facile successo. Chiunque viva sinceramente e affronti senza piegarsi dolori e delusioni è assai più degno di chi ha sempre avuto il vento favorevole, non conoscendo altro che una relativa prosperità'.