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Will Barnet | Abstract painter

American painter and printmaker Will Barnet (1911-2012) has lived through every major artistic school in modern American art.

He can remember watching John Singer Sergent paint murals on the ceiling of the Boston Public Library in the 1920s, and being the printmaker in New York for Mexican muralist José Clemente Orozco.
He remembers the explosion of Abstract Expressionism that would come to define the so-called New York School of artists.

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Alda Merini / Michelangelo | Bambino..

se trovi l'aquilone della tua fantasia
legalo con l'intelligenza del cuore.
Vedrai sorgere giardini incantati
e tua madre diventerà una pianta
che ti coprirà con le sue foglie.

Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475-1564 | La Madonna di Bruges 1503-1505
Michelangelo Buonarroti | La Madonna di Bruges 1503-1505

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Edgar Allan Poe | Il Corvo, la poesia illustrata da Manet

Il Corvo - The Raven - ed altre poesie è una raccolta di poesie scritte da Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), scrittore, poeta, critico letterario, giornalista, editore, storyteller e saggista statunitense, considerato tra le figure più importanti della letteratura americana, inventore del racconto poliziesco, della letteratura horror e del giallo psicologico, finisce per diventare anche uno dei rappresentanti maggiori del racconto gotico.
Il Corvo fu pubblicato per la prima volta il 29 gennaio 1845, sul New York Evening Mirror.

Édouard Manet 1832-1883 - Illustration for The Rave by Edgar Allan Poe
Édouard Manet 1832-1883 | Illustration for The Rave by Edgar Allan Poe

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Richard Baxter, 1966

Richard Baxter is an Australian painter, photographer and digital artist.
These three aspects of visual art constantly interweave for me, and I don't like to create borders between them as they all enhance each other in different ways.
The main, simple message in all my recent work is that life is joyous and explosive, here and now in the present, amidst the ordinary, amongst the flowers and the garbage.

Richard Baxter 1966 | Australian Oil on canvas and Digital painter

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Yannick Bouchard, 1982 | Surrealist / Symbolist painter

I am not claiming myself as a "surrealist artist", but my art is undeniably marked by their influence.
I was also very impressed by some notable fantasy artists, as well as erotic artists; the way they depict beauty and sensuality, and how they bring grandiose imaginary worlds to life.
Overall, my paintings are more or less a mixture of all those types; surrealism, fantasy with a touch of symbolism and even sometimes macabre.
But most of all, my paintings are images resulting of my inner thoughts and feelings; they are the expression of my love for the human body, the inspiring curves of femininity, as well as the superphysical side of the human mind, the mystical and the magical, or just very simple little things, like textures, colors and nature.
They are not intellectual pieces. They don't depict sophisticated and complicated opinions and cryptic theories.
Their essence is to stimulate the imagination and guide viewers where only they want to go. Mostly, I paint for myself; I paint what I want, I paint what I like, what moves me, what I feel and what I am.