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Jacqueline Osborn | Stories on canvas

British painter* Jacqueline Osborn captures strong, graphic and compelling images in her present series of paintings entitled Moments in Time.
Although Jacqueline has lived in California for half of her life she admits that England will always be home to her and that she is fortunate that she can return fairly often.
Her work communicates precious every-day moments that tell a story of another era, place and generation. Her warm and restrained palette suggests a mood of times gone by - out of reach, elusive moments that are captured on her canvases.

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Mary Jane Cross, 1951 | Figurative painter

Born in 1951, American painter* Mary Jane Q. Cross received her formal training at the Worcester Art Museum, in 1970-1973 in a time of Expressionism.
Followed by workshops with Daniel Green and mentoring with Fran Hoyt (student of Vincent Dumond), Mary Jane designed her own curriculum based on the Atelier System, to gain the tools necessary to make her art speak with historic purity, and her own unique voice.

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Amy Brown, 1972 | Forest Spirit

Amy Brown is the first Fairy Artist in America. Amy Brown was born in Bellingham, Washington.
As a child she spent countless hours drawing fairy princesses at an old, dark wood table in the living room of the beach cabin her parents rented.
The doodling continued throughout her adolescence and at the age of 21 she began to take her art seriously, specializing in painting the fairy realm.
Amy started working with water-colors and found a deep love for the translucent qualities of the paint.

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Sculture di ghiaccio e Neve ad Harbin

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John Keats / Aldo Luongo | You say you love / Dici di amarmi

Dici di amarmi, ma con una voce
più casta di quella di una suora che canta
il tenue Vespro della sera a se stessa,
mentre suona la campana a festa...
Please, amami sul serio!
You say you love; but with a voice
Chaster than a nun's, who singeth
The soft Vespers to herself
While the chime-bell ringeth -
O love me truly!

Aldo Luongo
Dici di amarmi, ma con un sorriso
freddo come un'alba di settembre,
come se fossi la suora di San Cupido
nella settimana di astinenza.
Please, amami sul serio!
You say you love; but with a smile
Cold as sunrise in September,
As you were Saint Cupid's nun,
And kept his weeks of Ember.
O love me truly!