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Sculture di ghiaccio e Neve ad Harbin

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John Keats / Aldo Luongo | You say you love / Dici di amarmi

Dici di amarmi, ma con una voce
più casta di quella di una suora che canta
il tenue Vespro della sera a se stessa,
mentre suona la campana a festa...
Please, amami sul serio!
You say you love; but with a voice
Chaster than a nun's, who singeth
The soft Vespers to herself
While the chime-bell ringeth -
O love me truly!

Aldo Luongo
Dici di amarmi, ma con un sorriso
freddo come un'alba di settembre,
come se fossi la suora di San Cupido
nella settimana di astinenza.
Please, amami sul serio!
You say you love; but with a smile
Cold as sunrise in September,
As you were Saint Cupid's nun,
And kept his weeks of Ember.
O love me truly!

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Édouard Manet | Quotes /Aforismi

  • Everything is mere appearance, the pleasures of a passing hour, a midsummer night's dream. Only painting, the reflection of a reflection - but the reflection, too, of eternity - can record some of the glitter of this mirage.
  • A painter can say all he wants to with fruit or flowers or even clouds.
  • A good painting is true to itself.
  • - In una figura, cercate la grande luce e la grande ombra, il resto verrà da sé.
  • - Si vede come si vuol vedere, ed è questa falsità che costituisce l'arte.
  • - Dobbiamo ammaliare la verità, darle l'apparenza della follia.
  • - Un quadro è una combinazione originale delle linee e dei toni che si mettono in evidenza.
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Sir William Russell Flint | Watercolour painter

British painter and illustrator Sir William Russell Flint (1880-1969) was known especially for his watercolour paintings of women. He also worked in oils, tempera and printmaking. He was born in Edinburgh. From 1894-1900 Flint apprenticed as a lithographic draughtsman while taking classes at the Royal Academy of Art, Edinburgh.
From 1900-1902 he worked as a medical illustrator in London while studying part-time at Heatherley's Art School. He furthered his art education by studying independently at the British Museum. He was an artist for the Illustrated London News from 1903-1907, and produced illustrations for editions of several books, including Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, 1912.

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Leonard Cohen | Winter Lady /Signora Inverno

Boris Indrikov ~ Russian painter

Signora in viaggio, resta ancora un po’
finché la notte non sarà terminata
Sono solo una tappa del tuo cammino,
so che non sono il tuo amante.

Vivevo con una bimba di neve
quand’ero soldato
e combattei ogni uomo per lei
finché le notti non crebbero in freddo.

Trav'ling lady, stay awhile
Until the night is over.
I'm just a station on your way,
I know I'm not your lover.

Well I lived with a child of snow
When I was a soldier,
And I fought every man for her
Until the nights grew colder.