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Sir William Russell Flint | Watercolour painter

British painter and illustrator Sir William Russell Flint (1880-1969) was known especially for his watercolour paintings of women. He also worked in oils, tempera and printmaking. He was born in Edinburgh. From 1894-1900 Flint apprenticed as a lithographic draughtsman while taking classes at the Royal Academy of Art, Edinburgh.
From 1900-1902 he worked as a medical illustrator in London while studying part-time at Heatherley's Art School. He furthered his art education by studying independently at the British Museum. He was an artist for the Illustrated London News from 1903-1907, and produced illustrations for editions of several books, including Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, 1912.

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Leonard Cohen | Winter Lady /Signora Inverno

Boris Indrikov ~ Russian painter

Signora in viaggio, resta ancora un po’
finché la notte non sarà terminata
Sono solo una tappa del tuo cammino,
so che non sono il tuo amante.

Vivevo con una bimba di neve
quand’ero soldato
e combattei ogni uomo per lei
finché le notti non crebbero in freddo.

Trav'ling lady, stay awhile
Until the night is over.
I'm just a station on your way,
I know I'm not your lover.

Well I lived with a child of snow
When I was a soldier,
And I fought every man for her
Until the nights grew colder.
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Pavel Mitkov, 1977 | Impressionist /Abstract painter

Award winning painter Pavel Mitkov, born in Sofia, Bulgaria, is the most successful and collected Bulgarian artist in the European connoisseur of art community in recent years. Extremely talented, his philosophy of life pertains to wisdom unusual for his young age. The paintings of Pavel Mitkov reflect not only his natural artistic talent, but also his passion for painting.

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Goxwa Borg, 1961

Maltese painter Goxwa Borg was born in Valetta, Malta. She began painting at a very young age and enrolled at the Saint Martin School of Art. Years later, she moved to Boston where she attended Emerson College for film studies. In 1993 she was awarded fellowship at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris.
Her encaustic works on canvas defy categorization. Although she draws inspiration from ancient frescos, her paintings have a very contemporary feel. Goxwa explores all genres, yet all of her paintings have the same element of mystery and intrigue. In 1993 she had her first of many solo exhibitions. Since then she has shown in various cities including Paris, New York, Strasbourg and San Francisco. Goxwa currently resides in Paris and her exhibitions continue to draw crowds of admirers and collectors.
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Leonardo da Vinci | Che differenza è dalla pittura alla poesia

Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /17

La pittura è una poesia muta, e la poesia è una pittura cieca, e l'una e l'altra vanno imitando la natura quanto è possibile alle loro potenze, e per l'una e per l'altra si può dimostrare molti morali costumi, come fece Apelle con la sua Calunnia.
Ma della pittura, perché serve all'occhio, senso piú nobile che l'orecchio, obietto della poesia, ne risulta una proporzione armonica; cioè, che siccome di molte e varie voci insieme aggiunte ad un medesimo tempo, ne risulta una proporzione armonica, la quale contenta tanto il senso dell'udito, che gli uditori restano con stupente ammirazione quasi semivivi.