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Julien Stappers | Still life with Flowers painter

Julien Stappers (1875-1960) was an Belgian flower painter, but also views of cities and paysages.
Training at the The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp in Juliaan De Vriendt (1894-1899) and at the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp (1899-1901). First exhibition in 1903.
A presentation to the "Rubens" Gallery in Brussels in 1959 and 1960, the "Jordaens" gallery in Ghent in 1957, 1959 and 1960.

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Pablo Neruda | Love, how many roads.. | Amore, quanta strada..

Yi Seong-Bu - Korean painter
Amore, quante strade per giungere a un bacio,
che solitudine errante fino alla tua compagnia!
I treni continuano a rotolare soli con la pioggia.
A Taltal ancora non albeggia la primavera.

Ma tu ed io, amor mio, siamo uniti,
uniti dai vestiti alle radici,
uniti d'autunno, d'acqua, di fianchi,
fino ad essere solo tu, sol io uniti.
Love, how many roads to obtain a kiss,
what lonely wanderings before finding you!
Trains now trundle through the rain without me.
Spring has yet to come to Taltal.

But you and I, my love, are together,
together from our clothes to our bones,
together in Autumn, in our water, at our hips,
until it's just you together, me together.
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Paulo Coelho | Il gioco degli Dei...

Thor Lindeneg - Danish Surrealist painter

Gli Dei lanciano i dadi, ma non domandano se vogliamo partecipare al gioco.
Non vogliono sapere se hai lasciato un uomo, una casa, un lavoro, una carriera, un sogno.
Gli dei non badano al fatto che tu vuoi avere una vita in cui ogni cosa sia al proprio posto,
in cui ogni desiderio si possa esaudire con il lavoro e la pertinacia.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Come l'occhio meno s'inganna ne' suoi esercizi..

Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /7

Come l'occhio meno s'inganna ne' suoi esercizi, che nessun altro senso, in luminosi, o trasparenti, ed uniformi, e mezzi

L'occhio nelle debite distanze e debiti mezzi meno s'inganna nel suo ufficio che nessun altro senso, perché vede se non per linee rette, che compongono la piramide che si fa base dell'obietto, e la conduce ad esso occhio, come intendo provare.

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Candice Bohannon, 1982

American painter Candice Bohannon Reyes was born in Sacramento, CA. Raised in the rural forested landscape of the foothills of the sierra Nevada mountains, her naturalistic aesthetic in art was honed from an early age. After high school, Bohannon enrolled in art college, and after intense studies in painting, drawing, sculpting, art history, philosophy and aesthetics, she graduated from the Laguna College of Art and Design in 2005 with a BFA in painting/drawing and a minor in sculpture. It was there at LCAD that Candice met her future husband, fellow artist and best friend, Julio Reyes. After nearly 10 years in southern California, they moved back to rural northern California where they currently reside.