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Christof Monnin, 1968 | Palette knife painter

French painter Christof Monnin was born in Lyon, France. The self-taught artist exposed his works for the first time in the age of 17 years and immediately won recognition and the main prize.
Being an adherent of a bright palette, he masterfully mixes colors, excellently combining almost incompatible red with the golden yellow.
Even more often working with a palette knife, making lines stiffer, he reaches a certain aggression in the transfer of forms which makes his works even more realistic. Peering into his works, it is possible to see, how a warm southern wind hardly sways flowers on a tree branches.

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Arthur Schopenhauer: "Chi è amico di tutti non è amico di nessuno"

Ogni giornata è una piccola vita,
ogni risveglio una piccola nascita,
ogni nuova mattina è una piccola giovinezza...

Each day is a little life,
every waking and rising a little birth,
every fresh morning a little youth,
every going to rest and sleep a little death.

Igor Zenin

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La crisi secondo Albert Einstein

"Non pretendiamo che le cose cambino se continuiamo a farle nello stesso modo.
La crisi può essere una vera benedizione per ogni persona e per ogni nazione,
perché è proprio la crisi a portare progresso.
La creatività nasce dall'angoscia, come il giorno nasce dalla notte oscura.
È nella crisi che nasce l'inventiva, le scoperte e le grandi strategie.

Giorgio De Chirico
Giorgio De Chirico

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Phoebe Anna Traquair | Arts and Crafts Movement painter

Inspired and visionary woman of her time, Phoebe Anna Traquair spent eight years of her life creating the herculean works which earned Mansfield Traquair the title of “Edinburgh’s Sistine Chapel”.
Her vivid, striking and truly beautiful murals interpret religious scenes, inspired by Blake and Renaissance, and reflect her status as an eminent figure in the Arts and Crafts Movement.
Born in Dublin, Phoebe Anna Moss (1852-1936) married Scots palaeontologist Dr Ramsay Traquair in 1873, and moved to Edinburgh the following year.

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Nazim Hikmet: Sei la mia schiavitù, sei la mia libertà..

Sei la mia schiavitù, sei la mia libertà
sei la mia carne che brucia
come la nuda carne delle notti d'estate
Sei la mia patria
tu, coi riflessi verdi dei tuoi occhi

Katarzyna Kurkowska