Russian painter Michael Gorban was born in Russia. He studied art for 21 years with the finest of Russian artists and by age 30 his paintings were hanging alongside those of Dali, Kandinsky and Chagall in the prestigious Hermitage museum in Leningrad.
In 1990 Gorban left everything behind and emigrated to Israel. Today he is considered a first-rate Israeli artist, as well as being prominently featured with three of his paintings in the national album of Russian art history as one of the young artists to impact the 20th century between 1960 and 1980.
"Painting is a sensual experience", claims Gorban from his studio near Tel Aviv. "I will not sign my name until I am completely satisfied.... I have never painted under duress or according to order. My success comes from people feeling the same satisfaction that I myself felt upon completing the painting".
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Michael Gorban, 1956
Alexandrina Karadjova | La Dolce Vita
Alexandrina Karadjova [Acrista] is a Bulgarian painter, who, for 10 years, charms the art-lovers with her exquisite, magic and feminine paintings, done in soft pastel - one of the most expressive art materials. Called “The artist of dolce vita” Karadjova impresses the admirers with her poetic vision of the world, her tenderness and color, that she also expresses with two other artistic materials - oil and acrylic. Since November 2010 Alexandrina is a member of the Pastel Guild of Europe.
L'Abbraccio | VideoArt
"Ho imparato che ogni giorno dovresti spingerti a toccare qualcuno. La gente ama una carezza affettuosa, o soltanto un amichevole pacca sulla schiena".
"Una delle migliori sensazioni al mondo è quando abbracci qualcuno e lui ricambia stringendoti più forte".
Charles Bukowski
"Quando sentiamo il bisogno di un abbraccio, dobbiamo correre il rischio di chiederlo".
Peter Wever, 1950
Leaf Carving Art
Leaf Carving Art is a relatively new art form China, that will last for generations to come. This art is already exceeding all expectations in popularity. All our leaves are hand carved from an actual Chinar tree leaf which is put through a 60 step process to ensure everlasting quality and durability.
Addio a Giuliano Gemma !
Roma, 1 ottobre 2013 - L'attore Giuliano Gemma è morto in seguito a un incidente stradale vicino Roma.
L'attore, coinvolto in un impatto frontale mentre era a bordo della propria auto a Cerveteri, è stato trasportato all'ospedale di Civitavecchia e le sue condizioni sono apparse subito critiche. Gli altri due feriti, più lievi, sono un uomo con suo figlio [Ansa].
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