Non so dove i gabbiani abbiano il nido,
ove trovino pace.
Io son come loro
in perpetuo volo.
La vita la sfioro
com'essi l'acqua ad acciuffare il cibo.
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Vincenzo Cardarelli / Jimmy Lawlor | I gabbiani /Seagulls
Antoine de Villiers, 1977 | Abstract painter
South African painter Antoine de Villiers hails from a small town in the dry, northern part of South Africa called Potchefstroom.
Here she developed her natural artistic skills from the day she discovered that crayons could draw on walls and years later she subsequently studied graphics and web design at Potchefstroom University. In 1996 she devoted herself full-time to painting and ran a studio in Stellenbosch.
Igor Belkovsky / Игорь Белковский, 1962
Igor Belkovsky [Игорь Белковский] works in the classical realist style and fluent in technology multilayered paintings by old masters.
His paintings are meticulous execution, beautiful harmonies and attention to detail. When working on a portrait of the artist the most attention has focused face of the portrait and the transfer of its internal state.
His paintings are meticulous execution, beautiful harmonies and attention to detail. When working on a portrait of the artist the most attention has focused face of the portrait and the transfer of its internal state.
Bill Bate, 1962
Born in Liverpool, British painter Bill Bate graduated from St. Martin's school of art with a BA in fine arts.
He works largely with oil and his particular characteristic is the nebulous smokey aurorer surrounding striking life forms which is enhanced only by his exquisite use of brush strokes.
Le Bagnanti nell'Arte
Il tema delle bagnanti "The Bathers" - l’inserimento delle figure nel paesaggio, occupa una parte cospicua nella produzione pittorica dei grandi maestri, diventando fondamentale per la stessa storia dell'Arte.
Le numerosissime tele di Cézanne influenzarono profondamente tutti i protagonisti delle avanguardie, da Matisse a Braque, da Picasso a Moore.
Soprattutto Picasso e Matisse, e tramite loro gran parte dei pittori del Novecento, pur attraverso percorsi diversi, gli saranno debitori di nuove possibilità espressive del linguaggio pittorico.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
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