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Sergey Boyev / Сергей Боев, 1973

Maestro del paesaggio urbano, Sergey Boyev è noto soprattutto per i suoi dipinti di strade, viali antichi, marciapiedi colorati.
Sergey Boyev è nato a Kursk, una città della Russia europea.
Si è diplomato presso il dipartimento di arte e grafica della KSPU.
Il talento dell'aspirante autore fu notato presto e già nel 1986 vinse un concorso di disegno per bambini a Stoccarda (Germania).

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Marina Dieul, 1971

French painter Marina Dieul was born in France. Her work has received numerous awards and honors, including the Kingston Prize, Salon International Greenhouse Gallery, the Artist Magazine, and has been extensively profiled in International Artist Magazine, among others. "Stroke of Genius" #2 and #3 (published by North Light Books) also features her work.
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Lucie Bilodeau, 1967 | Wildlife painter

Canadian by birth, Lucie Bilodeau lives with her husband in the United States, in Massachusetts, where she paints full-time. Her interest in art started at the age of 7. At 14, she became a student of Mission: Renaissance School in Montreal, Canada, to be taught the traditional fine art skills. There she took a series of 6 courses. Among these was an in depth study of the masters: Rembrandt, Monet, Manet, Cézanne and Fantin Latour.

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Felipe Santamans, 1951 | Figurative / Still life painter

Spanish painter⏩ Felipe Santamans studied at the prestigious Fine Arts in The Suria Academies and at Barreira Academies of Valencia at the early age of 13. He was a child prodigy. Beginning his work as a painter of oils, he eventually switched to the more challenging medium of pastels. He was part of the famous "Painters of the Riverside" school and he began exhibiting in 1970. He specializes in figures and still-lifes. His pastels are rich and very detailed.

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Tytus Brzozowski | Surrealist painter

Polish painter Tytus Brzozowski is an architect and watercolorist.
He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology.

He also studied and worked in Finland where he was searching for severe Nordic art and design. He has been working in Jems Architects for five years.