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Joan Beltràn Bofill | Impressionist Figurative painter

Spanish painter Joan Beltrán Bofill (1939-2009) was born in Barcelona.
Joan attended the prestigious Casa Lonja, where several artists from the Catalan School, including Picasso, had also studied.
It was here that Joan studied drawing, painting, composition and theory of colour.
Joan also studied at the Sant Jordi Fine Art School in Barcelona.

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Georgi Matevosjan, 1948 | Surrealist painter

Armenian painter Георгий Матевосян was born in Baku, the son of the USSR State Prize laureate writer Hrant Matevosyan.
In 1975 he graduated from the Volgograd Institute specializing in architecture.
Worked as an architect, designer, studied jewelry making and small plastics.
As a student, he did not part with a notebook, constantly sketching portraits of his friends.
Today, the work of the Armenian painter are in museums and private collections in Russia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Canada, America and Japan.

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Mstislav Pavlov, 1967 | Russian Impressionist painter

Мстислав Павлов was born in Leningrad, Russia. Graduated from the Institute of Painting, the Union of Sculpture and Architecture named after I.Repin 1974. Member of “Union Russian Artists” 2002. Participant of multiple art exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
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Marcos Rodrigo, 1957 ~ Impressionist Figurative painter

Né en Vieille Castille en 1957, accueilli en France en 1961, dans un merveilleux petit village Lotois, je dépense mon enfance parmi les vieilles pierres et les odeurs de campagne. Initié par mon père, j'apprends à tailler le bois et la pierre. Ma mère et mes deux grandes soeurs soignent avec tendresse écorchures et coups sur les doigts. Avec bouts de laines multicolores et jolis tissus achetés au marché elles donnent forme aux vêtements que j'invente sur mes "cahiers de brouillons".
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Johannes Wessmark, 1962 | Hyperrealist painter

Swedish painter Johannes Wessmark live and work in Karlstad, Sweden. Art-education: autodidact. Background: 15 years as an advertising/product-illustrator and 3D-illustrator / animator.
"I have no training in art but trust on innate talent, my passion for creating images and many years of experience as an illustrator. I take inspiration partly from the beautiful forests and costs here in sweden and partly from urban areas including my hometown Karlstad. Many images have also been given life thanks to my lively imagination where humor and twist often is found. Technically, the American photo-realists inspired me a lot in recent years".

Johannes Wessmark 1962 | Swedish Hyperrealist painter