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Karen Dupré ~ My Fair Lady | VideoArt

La pittrice Americana, artista auto-didatta, Karen Dupré è nata in California e ha iniziato a dipingere all’età di 9 anni. Le sue prime opere avevano per oggetto la raffigurazione dei cavalli che si è poi estesa alle figure, ai paesaggi e alle nature morte. La Dupré è dotata della particolare abilità di ricreare un gioco di luce sia nella natura che manufatti che dipinge. Ispirandosi ai pittori del IXX secolo che sfidarono i riferimenti ideali dell’arte, la Dupré tenta un approccio simile attraverso i suoi innumerevoli stili.
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Renata Domagalska ~ Red Dream

I`m Renata Domagalska. The most important part of my life is the art - especially the painting... Predominant motif of my expressive figurative painting are women. Women's portraits, nudes, dancers - flamenco, tango, folklore, etc.. My another pet subject is the atmosphere of sunny southern countries, small towns.
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Karen Dupré ~ Femme fatale

Karen Dupré, is a self-taught American painter. Dupré’s work is adept to capture a fleeting moment in time and seemingly transport the viewer there.
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Jean-Paul Avisse, 1948 | Surrealist painter

Jean-Paul Avisse, French painter🎨, is a rare and unique artistic genius of unquestionable depth, scope and power. A self taught master of incredible details and universal concepts.
Taking over eight weeks to complete each original intricate painting. First time viewers are further amazed to learn that Mr. Avisse creates each original painting by hand, using no computers, photographs or air-brushed techniques. Instead he relies on a much more time honored tradition, his hard learned skills and talents.

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Angela Staehling | Vintage garden

Known for capturing the essence of romantic living, Staehling seeks inspiration from her deep-rooted family values, her Italian heritage, and her strong sense of tradition. Educated in America and England, she has years of experience in graphic design, illustration, and painting.
She can't help but create art that captures the romance of the simple things in life.