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Fabrice de Villeneuve, 1954 | Vintage style painter

Fabrice de Villeneuve is an French painter.
- "My past has been my source of inspiration.
If I could take you for a walk in my child hood house, where I grew up, we would be surrounded by lush gardens of flowers and vegetables overlooking the beautiful sea.
Therefore, my affinity with my splendid en vironment was to characterize who I was to become".

Fabrice de Villeneuve 1954 | French Vintage painter

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Joo Seok Ju [Joseokju] Impressionist Figurative painter

Joo Seok Ju, si firma Joseokju, è un pittore Coreano, che vive a Seoul da quando aveva 12 anni. 
Dipinge ad olio ed è ispirato dai principi di base adottati dai grandi impressionisti.

Joo Seok Ju [Joseokju] - Tutt'Art@

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Jeff Rowland, 1964 | Romantic painter of Rain

Jeff Rowland is a professional British painter** who entered the fine art industry in 1984 having studied art at North Tyneside College. He had further studied at Newcastle in 2000 where he earned an HND in advertising / illustration.
During this time Jeff Rowland had undertaken many works and also went on to win an award** from the NEPA (North East Print Association).

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Svetlana Ivanchenko | Abstract painter

Svetlana Ivanchenko  [Светлана Иванченко] - Ukrainian Abstract painter

Cветлана Иванченко is an Ukrainian painter.
Technique: Sand shell mosaic.
Unique sand and shell mosaic is stored in all the wilderness shades of natural materials.
Art, which combines the captivating beauty of native wildlife. Unfathomable stretch of imagination the author leaves no one indifferent, again emphasizing the originality of talent of the Ukrainian people.
Svetlana was born and raised in the Black Sea in Yalta. She studied at the Yalta Art School, graduated Glukhovsky Pedagogical Institute, named by Sergeyev-Tsensky, specialtized in Fine Art. She lives and works in the city of Dnipropetrovsk. Her works adorn private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Germany and Israel.

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Kahlil Gibran | Sulla Parola

Ed allora uno studioso disse:
Spiegaci la Parola.

E lui rispose dicendo:
Voi parlate quando avete perduto la pace con i vostri pensieri;
E quando non potete più sopportare la solitudine del cuore voi vivete sulle labbra,
e il suono vi è di svago e passatempo.

George Lundeen 1948 | American Figurative sculptor
George Lundeen | Departure