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Espressionismo figurativo di Fidel Garcia, 1960

Fidel Garcia ~ Mexican Figurative and Abstract Expressionist painter

""L'arte esprime l'anima dell'umanità nel nostro comune viaggio attraverso i secoli". - Fidel Garcia

Nato a Città del Messico, Fidel Garcia è un pittore e creatore autodidatta.
All'età di sette anni, l'abilità artistica di Garcia divenne evidente a suo padre, un artista lui stesso, che incoraggiò e sostenne la sua passione per la creatività.
Ha sviluppato uno stile dimensionale internazionale unico che è fantasiosamente intriso del potere visivo di artisti rinascimentali come il maestro barocco spagnolo Diego Velazquez, il maestro americano John Singer Sargent, il maestro francese William Bouguereau, il maestro surreale spagnolo Salvador Dali ed il maestro di design austriaco Gustav Klimt.

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Andrea Orr ~ Figurative painter

Traditionally trained at Pensacola Christian College in Florida, Andrea Orr, American painter, received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Commercial Art in 2006, and a Master of Fine Arts in 2009. While at PCC, Andrea learned the importance of accurate drawing, strong value patterns and variety in edgework, essentials for a successful painting, under the masterful teaching of her mentor and instructor, Brian Jekel.
Andrea Orr's paintings reveal her fascination with light and the beauty it bestows upon seemingly ordinary objects. Andrea credits her talent as a gift from God, and desires to use her art to bring glory to Him. Her desire is that her paintings will connect to the hearts of those who view them, drawing others to a fuller recognition of the goodness of God and the wonder of His love. Believing that the human eye holds the key to engaging the soul and has the ability to move the heart, Andrea's goal is to communicate a message of hope, love, and beauty to those who see her work.
Andrea Orr | American Figurative painter
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Julio Cesar Rodriguez, 1976 ~ Surrealist painter

Julio Cesar Rodriguez, Cuban painter, was born in the province of Holguin, Cuba, on the 14 th of September in 1976. Since he was young he was inclined to the arts. He began his studies at the age of 12, in the vocational school of art in Holguin. He later continued in a professional school in the city. After graduating in 1995, he dedicated himself entirely to finding his own true line of art.
Julio Cesar Rodriguez 1976 | Cuban Surrealist painter
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Paul Gauguin: "Innanzi tutto, l'emozione!"

Nel nuovo stile di Paul Gauguin, il cloisonnisme o sintetismo, il colore si chiude in zone, così che la scena si presenta in superficie e si annulla ogni rapporto tra spazio e volumi.
A proposito dell'uso delle ombre, nel 1888, Gauguin scriveva a Émile Bernard:
- «Guardate i giapponesi, che pure dipingono in modo ammirevole e vedrete una vita all'aria aperta e al sole, senza ombre.
Usano i colori solo come combinazione di toni, di armonie diverse [...] voglio staccarmi quanto più è possibile da qualsiasi cosa che dia l'illusione di un oggetto, e poiché le ombre sono il trompe-l'oeil del sole, sono propenso ad eliminarle".

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Aldo Balding, 1960 ~ Figurative painter

The narrative quality of Aldo Balding's magnificent paintings is usually what initially draws his viewers in. Aldo's works have been referred to as "nostalgic", but he considers them timeless. Aldo's conveys his love of the more formal time and finds a suited man is much more interesting, narratively speaking, than someone in sneakers and jeans. He continues the timeless feel of his work into his interior scenes and landscapes.
Aldo Balding 1960 | British Figurative painter