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Julio Cesar Rodriguez, 1976 ~ Surrealist painter

Julio Cesar Rodriguez, Cuban painter, was born in the province of Holguin, Cuba, on the 14 th of September in 1976. Since he was young he was inclined to the arts. He began his studies at the age of 12, in the vocational school of art in Holguin. He later continued in a professional school in the city. After graduating in 1995, he dedicated himself entirely to finding his own true line of art.
Julio Cesar Rodriguez 1976 | Cuban Surrealist painter
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Paul Gauguin: "Innanzi tutto, l'emozione!"

Nel nuovo stile di Paul Gauguin, il cloisonnisme o sintetismo, il colore si chiude in zone, così che la scena si presenta in superficie e si annulla ogni rapporto tra spazio e volumi.
A proposito dell'uso delle ombre, nel 1888, Gauguin scriveva a Émile Bernard:
- «Guardate i giapponesi, che pure dipingono in modo ammirevole e vedrete una vita all'aria aperta e al sole, senza ombre.
Usano i colori solo come combinazione di toni, di armonie diverse [...] voglio staccarmi quanto più è possibile da qualsiasi cosa che dia l'illusione di un oggetto, e poiché le ombre sono il trompe-l'oeil del sole, sono propenso ad eliminarle".

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Aldo Balding, 1960 ~ Figurative painter

The narrative quality of Aldo Balding's magnificent paintings is usually what initially draws his viewers in. Aldo's works have been referred to as "nostalgic", but he considers them timeless. Aldo's conveys his love of the more formal time and finds a suited man is much more interesting, narratively speaking, than someone in sneakers and jeans. He continues the timeless feel of his work into his interior scenes and landscapes.
Aldo Balding 1960 | British Figurative painter
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Ron Hicks, 1965 | Impressionist Figurative painter

Ron Hicks was born in Columbus, Ohio but spent most of his childhood growing up in the modest and friendly neighborhood of Park Hill in Denver, Colorado.
He shared a dream with a close childhood friend early on... "He just always knew he would go to college and become an artist", remembers Ron's friend.
Ron's family later relocated back to Ohio where, during his high school, he was awarded* several awards and honors for various art shows and competitions.

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Charles Hawthorne ~ Portrait and Genre painter

Charles Webster Hawthorne (1872-1930) was an American painter and a noted teacher who founded the Cape Cod School of Art in 1899. He was born in Lodi, Illinois and his parents returned to Maine, raising him in the state where Charles' father was born. At age 18, he went to New York, working as an office-boy by day in a stained-glass factory in New York, and studying at night school and with Henry Siddons Mowbray and William Merritt Chase, and abroad in both Holland and Italy.
Charles Webster Hawthorne 1872-1930 | American Portrait and Genre painter