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Cesar Santos, 1982

Cesar Santos is a Cuban-born American painter, best known for images that transmit the impression of paintings of the past, but are also imbued with contemporary, fresh concepts and his own philosophy.
His work shows a wide range of influences, including sources as diverse as the Renaissance, Nineteenth Century academic work, and contemporary society.
His artistic energy drives him to arrange elusive figures and objects in conceptual designs, yet rendering them in a believable and convincing way.

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Umberto Mazzone, 1941

Autumn Symphony | Umberto Mazzone 1941 | Italian surrealist painter

Umberto Mazzone, pittore italiano, è nato a Catania. Attualmente vive e opera a Bevagna (PG), proseguendo un lungo percorso artistico, iniziato a soli dieci anni.
Proprio a quell’età, stimolato dalla sua insegnante di disegno, si accosta al variegato mondo dell’arte, che cattura la sua giovane fantasia, consentendogli di scoprire le sue possibilità fantastiche e umane, attraverso segni ed i colori.
Da allora segue una ricerca artistica, lievitata dagli studi classici e soprattutto dal mondo greco e orientale, che lo porterà a sperimentazioni sempre nuove, legate ai valori di quelle civiltà che ci hanno segnato sia come popoli, che come individui.

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Sergey Ignatenko, 1975 | Night's Dream

Сергей Игнатенко was born in Gomel, the Republic of Belarus.
At the young age of eleven Sergey Ignatenko was accepted into art school. As a child, he fiddled with paint and paintbrush and made figurative pictures with his mother's and sister's portraits. They were his models.
During his training he participated in numerous local and national exhibitions and competitions.
Graduating from the school in 1990, Ignatenko was accepted into the Gomel Art College painting department, from which he graduated in 1995.

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Claudio Sacchi, 1953 | Figurative painter

Italian painter🎨 Claudio Sacchi was born in Pesaro, Italy. He attended the Art School in Urbino, and continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
Major influences in his artistic education were his encounters with Pietro Annigoni🎨 and with Enrico Del Bono. Since 1977 his work has been included in the archive of the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence, in the section on twentieth-century Italian art.

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Meadow Gist, 1975 | Impressionist Figurative / Portrait painter

Meadow Gist, a young American painter, is member of both the California Art Club and Oil Painters of America. Gist has studied at Watts Atelier for the past six years, and has taught there for the last three.
She began her art career in the corporate field painting displays and murals for a major retail chain. Her work has been exhibited as a finalist in the International Artist Magazine's Still Lifes and Florals Competition 2006 and as a "Top 50" selection at Salon International 2007.