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Roman Romanov, 1966 ~ Landscape painter

Роман Романов nasce in Siberia, nella città di Kazan Kemerovo. Ha finito Art College in Tatarstan Repubblica. In seguito ha ottenuto un istruzione superiore tecnica. Dopo aver prestato servizio nell'esercito, dove ha organizzato la prima mostra, ha lavorato come designer industriale e progettista auto. Dal 2000 si dedicò completamente alla pittura.
Roman Romanov 1966 | Russian Landscape painter
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Gaetano Previati (1852-1920)

Gaetano Previati - celebre pittore del '900 Italiano, nasce a Ferrara.
I suoi studi artistici si svolgono a Ferrara, ma presto egli si trasferisce a Milano, dove frequenta l’Accademia di Brera.
E’ nel capoluogo lombardo che Previati inizia la sua attività artistica, spiccando subito per modernità ed innovazione.
Il pittore ferrarese è universalmente considerato come l’iniziatore delle istanze divisioniste in Italia.

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Paul Cézanne | Post-Impressionist painter

Paul Cézanne [1839-1906] was a Post-Impressionist, whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavour to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century. Cézanne can be said to form the bridge between late 19th century Impressionism and the early 20th century's new line of artistic enquiry, Cubism. 
Paul Cézanne 1839-1906 | French Post-Impressionist painter
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Ottone Rosai | Futurist painter

Ottone Rosai 1895-1957 | Italian Futurist painter

Ottone Rosai (1895-1957) was an Italian painter* born in Florence.
Rosai graduated from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts in 1912, a period in which he was closely associated with the Lacerba group of Florentine Futurists and especially Ardengo Soffici, with whom he held a joint exhibition at the Galleria Sprovieri, Rome, in 1914.
Having returned to Florence after World War I, he adapted to the climate of the return to order and devoted himself to the study of early Italian painters*.

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Valeriy Kot, 1958 ~ Surrealist painter

Валерий Кот holds a degree in architecture and used to work in architectural firms throughout Kiev, Ukraine. In 1985 changes his vocation and starts dealing with art, lead by ideas of surrealism he is so fascinated by, from his earlier years. In 1977 performs his first art works in surrealism genre. His first show took place on April 1979. Since 1986 artist exhibits and participates in various shows in Kiev on a permanent basis. Artist exhibits in EuroCenter Berlin, Germany in 1991 Belgium in 1995 and 1997. The concept of artist’s work is uncontrolled play of subconscious associations, philosophy and inscrutability of the images and themes, connection of natural with surreal, reality with fiction.
Valeriy Kot 1958 | Ukraina | Surrealist painter