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Vincent Van Gogh | Self-portraits

Vincent Van Gogh did not have money to pay models to pose for portraits nor did he have many people commissioning him to do portraits, so Van Gogh painted his own portrait.
He painted over 30 self-portraits between the years 1886-1889.
His collection of self-portraits places him among the most prolific self-portraitists of all time.
Van Gogh used portrait painting as a method of introspection, a method to make money and a method of developing his skills as an artist.

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Zoe Mozert | Pin-up illustrator

Zoë Mozert (1907-1993), born Alice Adelaide Moser, was an American illustrator.
She was one of the early 20th Century's most famous pin-up artists and models.
In 1925 Mozert entered the Philadelphia School of Industrial Art where she studied under Thornton Oakley, a former student of Howard Pyle.

Zoë Mozert 1907-1993 | American Pin-up illustrator

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Le Gallerie di Piazza Scala, Milano

Gallerie di Piazza Scala Milano
Canova - La giustizia, 1792
Situato nel cuore di Milano, il complesso espositivo Gallerie di Piazza Scala propone un viaggio affascinante nell'arte del XIX e XX secolo. Il polo museale si snoda attraverso quattro edifici storici della città. Negli storici Palazzo Anguissola e Palazzo Brentani sono esposti 197 dipinti e sculture che partono da bassorilievi neoclassici di Antonio Canova, per toccare quindi le altre correnti che hanno caratterizzato le arti figurative italiane ottocentesche:
- Il Romanticismo, con Francesco Hayez. Gerolamo Induno e Sebastiano De Albertis, Giuseppe Molteni, Giovanni Migliara, Luigi Bisi, Giuseppe Canella, Angelo Inganni;
- Il Naturalismo con Mosé Bianchi e Lorenzo Gignous;
- Il Divisionismo con Giovanni Segantini, Filippo Carcano, Giovanni Sottocornola, Angelo Morbelli;
- Il Simbolismo con Luigi Rossi, Emilio Gola, Lorenzo Bazzaro, Gaetano Previati, Giulio Aristide Sartorio.
Si aggiungono opere di Telemaco Signorini, Lorenzo Delleani, Federico Zandomeneghi, Vincenzo Irolli, Antonio Mancini.
Entro la fine del 2012, il Palazzo Canonica e Palazzo Beltrami ospiteranno invece la sezione dedicata al Novecento, un percorso da Kandinsky ad Andy Warhol.
Gallerie di Piazza Scala

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Pol Tergejst ~ Flame-shape digital painter

Pol Tergejst Fire Art
Pol Tergejst is an artist from Ekaterinburk, in Russia, who decided to play with fire, literally. He uses flame shapes to create some kind of flame-shape paintings, he composes different images of them. All this involves a lot of photographing.
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Seward Johnson | The Awakening, 1980

The Awakening, is a 21 m statue of a giant embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself, located at National Harbor in Prince George's County, Maryland, USA, just outside the District of Columbia.
The statue consists of five separate aluminum pieces buried in the ground, giving the impression of a distressed giant attempting to free himself from the ground.
The left hand and right foot barely protrude, while the bent left leg and knee jut into the air.
The 5.2 m high right arm and hand reach farther out of the ground. The bearded face, with the mouth in mid-scream, struggles to emerge from the earth.

Seward Johnson Jr - Awakening - Roma