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Marc Chapaud, 1941 | Paris painting

Marc Chapaud was born in Paris in 1941. He studied at the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Beaux Artes of Paris in 1958-59 Architecture section and 1960-61 Peinture section, which he left in 1962 after having completed several studio courses. Main Themes Venice, Bruges, Paris, Corsica, Sologne, Amsterdam, Brittany, Provence Villages, Landscapes, Japan, Route Jacques Coeur, flowers and gardens, the streets of Paris at the time of Victor Hugo, Rome and italian landscapes.

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Marie Paule Deville Chabrolle, 1952

Marie-Paule Deville-Chabrolle è una pittrice e scultrice, nota per aver lavorato in stile figurativo.
È nata a Meknes, in Marocco, vive e lavora in Francia.
Marie-Paule Deville-Chabrolle è stata influenzata dall'Asia perché ha fatto molti viaggi lì e ha studiato in Cambogia.
Rende omaggio alla femminilità.
Il corpo umano è l'unico oggetto del suo lavoro.
Disegna, scolpisce, nasconde e poi trasforma i suoi pezzi in bronzo.

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LaShun Beal, 1962 | Impressionist Figurative painter

LaShun Beal has spent his entire career working to perfect his art and the ability to express himself as an artist, while working across multiple mediums.
He refuses to be confined to any certain medium or subject matter and challenges himself by exploring many mediums.
Beal discovered that each canvas has its own distinctive character, its own matchless capacity to give voice to his work in a way that no other medium can.

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Guy Dessapt, 1938 | Paris autumn

As a child, Guy, Impressionist painter- showed an enthusiastic aptitude for painting which led him to the highly acclaimed Art Decoratifs School in Paris.
Here he learned about the masters of genre and grew to respect the impressionists of the 1800's.
At this time, Guy spent many days painting in the streets of Montmarte which provided him with direct exposure to a thriving arts community.
He began painting his favorite subjects from cities and countrysides of Europe, which would later become his trademark expression.

Guy Dessapt 1938 | French Impressionist painter | Paris autumn

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Cao Yong, 1962 | Romantic cityscapes painter

Cao Yong 曹勇 is a Chinese artist🎨 whose work depicts Tibet.
He spent a year alone in the mountains of Tibet, and the paintings he produced were exhibited in Beijing in early 1989.
He was subsequently arrested by the Chinese Authorities with the Beijing Police burning seven of the paintings.