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Will Wilson, 1957 | Allegorical painter

Will Wilson began his career with the John Pence Gallery in 1980. Since then, he staged thirteen highly successful one-man shows at the gallery.
In addition to his shows in San Francisco, he has exhibited with Baltimore Life Gallery, Baltimore, MD; Schuler School Of Fine Arts, Baltimore, MD; Salmagundi Club, New York, NY; St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD; Society of Illustrators, New York, NY; Denver Rotary Show, Denver, CO; Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY; Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH; Memorial Art Museum, Rochester, NY; The Grand Central Art Galleries, New York, NY, The National Postal Museum, Washington DC; The Triton Museum, Santa Clara, CA; and The Smithsonian, Washington DC.

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Paola Epifani | Rabarama, 1969 | Figurative sculptor

Rabarama, pseudonym of Paola Epifani, was born in Rome in 1969. The daughter of an artist, from her early childhood she showed an inborn talent for sculpture.
She started her artistic education at the Arts High School in Treviso, followed by the Venice Academy of Fine Arts where she graduated with top marks in 1991.

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Trish Biddle | Vintage Figurative painter

American artist* Trish Biddle studied at the Dallas Institute of Art, before beginning her career as an illustrator and textile designer.
Trish Biddle is published internationally, and is collected around the world.
Her process of drawing, painting and designing eventually melded onto canvases, creating romantic images and her unmistakable Art Déco figurative paintings.

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Camille Claudel | La donna implorante...

L’Implorante, fa parte del gruppo scultorio L'Âge Mûr - L'età matura, una delle sculture più conosciute della Claudel🎨, sia per lo stile che per la maestosità di cui vi è una versione in gesso ed una in bronzo. Richiestale dallo stesso Auguste Rodin 1840-1917🎨 nel 1895, l'opera fu messa in mostra nella versione gesso nel 1899.
Il gruppo scultoreo fa richiamo al Rodin🎨 stesso indeciso fra le sua prima compagna, che poi sposerà e Camille -divenuta sua amante dall'età di 18 anni- che nel gruppo scultoreo è simboleggiata dalla figura che tenta di trattenere il "vecchio" amante che ormai si sta rivolgendo verso la sua futura sposa dimostrando comunque un che di esitante.

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Michele Van Cotthem, 1939

Michèle Van Cotthem est née le 5 novembre 1939 à Revin (Ardennes). Ecole des Beaux-arts de Lyon. Première exposition à Lyon en 1962. Sociétaire du Salon d'Automne de Paris. Vice-présidente de la Société Lyonnaise des Beaux-arts.Participe aux principaux salons et obtient les plus grandes récompenses.