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Terry Avon Redlin | Landscape Wildlife painter

Terry Avon Redlin (July 11, 1937 - April 24, 2016) was an American artist, popular for painting outdoor themes and wildlife, often pictured in twilight, as widely collected as prints. For eight consecutive years, 1991 through 1998, Redlin was named America's Most Popular Artist in annual gallery surveys conducted by U.S. Art magazine.

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Alan Giana | Fantasy painter

Born and raised in Connecticut, Alan Giana always wanted to be an artist.
One of his first works of art was at the age of four when he grabbed a magic marker and proceeded to scribble on the wall with it.
Needless to say his parents were not too happy, but a career was set in motion.
Alan's father is an accomplished ceramic artist.
Alan often watched his father apply glazes and different painting techniques to create his masterpieces.

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Sung Kim, 1940

Born in Seoul, South Korea, Sung began to exhibit his artistic talents early in childhood. Beginning in grade school, Sung entered and won various art contests by displaying his creativity and artistic imagination. He decided to pursue his passion for art and graduated with honors from Seorabol Art College in Seoul. Later he opened his own studio and worked as an illustrator for various magazines and children’s books. Sung’s artistic abilities were acknowledged when he was awarded the Grand Prize in an art competition by the Minister of Culture in South Korea and the Gold Medal prize in the art competition given by the Mayor of Seoul. He traveled throughout Europe before immigrating to the United States in 1980. For the last 20 years, Sung has worked with various fine art galleries and has produced over 400 original landscape paintings.
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Il Gruppo del Laocoonte | Roma Barocca, anno 200 a.C.

Il Gruppo del Laocoonte, scultura barocca ellenistica della scuola di Rodi (I secolo), è una scultura monumentale di marmo realizzata nel 200 a.C. circa e si trova a Roma, presso i Musei Vaticani, nel Museo Pio-Clementino. Raffigura il famoso episodio narrato nell'Eneide che vede il troiano Laocoonte ed i suoi figli che lottano coi serpenti marini.
Laocoonte, personaggio della mitologia greca, era figlio di Antenore, un abitante di Troia. Era un veggente e gran sacerdote di Apollo.
Si narra che, quando i troiani portarono nella città il celebre cavallo di Troia, egli corse verso di esso scagliandogli contro una lancia che ne fece risonare il ventre vuoto, proferendo la celebre frase: "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" - "Temo i Greci, anche quando portano doni". Laocoonte cercò invano di convincere i suoi concittadini a non far entrare nella città di Troia il cavallo lasciato dai greci che avevano sciolto l’assedio alla città. Atena, la divinità contraria ai troiani, per evitare che il suo consiglio trovasse ascolto, punì Laocoonte mandando Porcete e Caribea, due enormi serpenti marini che uscendo dal mare avvinghiarono i suoi due figli, egli accorse in loro aiuto e fu stritolato assieme ad essi. Secondo un'altra versione i due serpenti furono inviati da Poseidone, che punì il suo sacerdote per essesi sposato contro la volontà divina. I Troiani presero questo come un segno, tenendo così il cavallo tra le loro mura.
Il Gruppo del Laocoonte | Roma Barocca, anno 200 a.C.
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Kaspian Shore, 1983

Kaspian Shore is a self-taught painter, born in 1983. Most of the artist’s youth was spent in anguish and isolation, making poetry and art one of the few ways to comfort him in his grief and to communicate. Kaspian’s portraits of gentle, androgynous boys are haunting us like washed-out memories of the ghosts of our pasts, hiding the sadness of many untold stories behind their gloomy, questioning eyes.