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Manuel Nuñez, 1956 | Fashion illustrator

Manuel Nuñez began his career in art after leaving Art Center College of Design in 1979.
He started working primarily as an illustrator doing movie posters, album covers and editorial work.
Later he focused on fashion illustrations, working for companies such as, May Company, Lord and Taylor, Robinsons, Nordtroms and Woodward and Lohrop.

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Ronald Companoca, 1981 ~ Surrealist painter

Ronald Companoca nato nel 1981 in Perù è un promettente artista con una spiccata vena onirica, le sue opere hanno delle particolari tonalità brillanti che amplificano l'atmosfera sognante e fiabesca ricreata.
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Gennady Privedentsev/ Геннадий Приведенцев ~ Surrealist painter

Gennady Privedentsev | Surrealist still-life painter

I have been engaged in surrealism since the time when I aroused the interest of KGB rather than just amateurs of painting. Have a traditional career: art school, university faculty of graphic arts, the Union of artists of Russia, since 1991. Have five personal exhibitions behind myself, participation in zone and international exhibitions -Yugoslavia, Germany, Cyprus, Ethiopia. I live and work in Krasnodar.
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Victor Hagea, 1948 | Surrealist painter

Romanian painter Victor Hagea was born in Lupeni/Hunedoara, Romania. I have been interested in drawing and painting since youth, and had a rigorous arts education. I have been much influenced by the Flemish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French great masters.
I saw in their multi-faceted work multiple windows toward the absolute. Then Dalí showed me what kinds of possibilities dwell within the domain of the "real" and what the artists can make of it.

Victor Hagea 1948 | Romanian Surrealist painter | Life is a dream

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La cattedrale di Orleans

La cattedrale fu fondata nel sec. III, dal vescovo di Orléan San Euverte e ha cominciato a essere un luogo di culto a metà dello stesso secolo. La distrussero varie volte durante le conquiste della città e le guerre e la ricostruirono, ma la grande ristrutturazione della cattedrale che vediamo oggi iniziò nel sec.XIII. I protestanti la distrussero un'altra volta nel 1568 durante un attacco e restò molto poco, ma i re successivi si impegnarono a restaurarla. La costruzione terminò nel sec. XVIII. Di stile gotico, la cattedrale è dedicata alla Santa Cruz. Le torri misurano 80 metri di altezza, e il pinnacolo centrale 115 metri.