
Erin Cone, 1976 | Figurative Realism painter



Known for her meticulously-composed realism, Erin Cone distills the emotion of traditional figurative painting into abstracted compositions, for a bold vision all her own. After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting and working briefly in the design industry, Cone had her first solo show at the age of 24 and has been painting full-time ever since. From the beginning, Cone's paintings have captured a unique fusion of aesthetics - combining the evocative detail of magical realism with the simplicity of minimal abstraction to create something completely new.

Pompei, la città sepolta dal Vesuvio

Pompei ha origini antiche quanto quelle di Roma: infatti la «gens pompeia» proveniente dagli Oschi, uno dei primi popoli italici, nell’VIII secolo a.C., fondò e diede il nome al primo aggregato urbano. Luogo di passaggio obbligato tra il nord ed il sud, tra il mare e le interne ricche vallate, ben presto Pompei diventa importante nodo viario e portuale e, pertanto, ambita preda per i potenti stati confinanti.

Paul Roberts, 1948 | Figurative Realist painter


Paul Roberts was born in Tiverton Devon in 1948. Brought up by artist parents in Wales. He studied at Newport, Cardiff and Goldsmiths colleges of Art. Gaining early recognition in the 1970's his career as a painter was interrupted when he had worldwide success with the rockband Sniff'n'The Tears in 1978. Commitments to music meant that until 2000 time needed to develop his career as a painter was to some degree curtailed. In 1988 he moved with his family to Somerset, where he has continued to paint and make music.
His work can currently be seen at the Plus One Gallery London.


Fabrice Backes, 1968 | Surrealist painter / iIlustrator



Fabrice Backes is a French artist** born in 1968 and lives in the Ardennes region.
Painter-independent illustrator registered at the Maison des Artistes since June 2005.
"The stories of my characters are intimate, secret, mysterious ... Even I do not know much, but I know their mindset. It's mine", says Fabrice.


Paul David Bond, 1964 | Magic realism painter

Paul Bond's award-winning oil paintings live in the spaces between dreaming and reality.
Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, he draws from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, unveiling a world where anything is possible.
He often refers to then as "fairy tales for adults".
By merging and altering familiar objects - mixed with equal parts whimsy, wonder and mysticism - Bond’s works delight the imagination and stir the soul.
