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Vladimir Ezhakov, 1975 | Impressionist Figurative painter

Vladimir Ezhakov /Владимир Ежаков** a member of Russian** Union of Artists, one of the most promising, brilliant and successful modern painter of Russia.
Vladimir Ezhakov is a winner** of the festival "Prague Autumn" 2004 year.
Is the winner** of the contest in the nomination "The best portraitist" on the International Art Festival in Domburg 2007 year.

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Oscar Alejandro Casavalle, 1964

I studied design at the "Escuela Panamericana de Arte". In 1980 I started my first steps in a group called Friends of Performing Arts courses there with Manuel Fifth, the artist Tita Lemus And Professor Carlos A. Amico, there also participated in numerous group shows until 1986.
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Pietro Coppola

Pietro Coppola nasce il 18 febbraio 1960. Il suo interesse per la pittura e la sua produzione inizia nel 1999. La sua prima mostra personale nel 2005 allestita presso lo studio diaframma multimediaLAB contemporaneamente al suo esordio nel web con il sito nekiat.com, eccellente al premio web Italia 2005 nella sezione Arte e Cultura.
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Giovanni Auriemma, 1976

Sono nato a Napoli nel 1976. Nel 2000 conseguo il diploma di laurea in scenografia presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, coltivando parallelamente la mia passione per l'arte digitale. Abito e lavoro a Viterbo nel campo dell'editoria come grafico, illustratore e impaginatore. Attualmente insegno tecniche di grafica pubblicitaria presso la facoltà di scienze politiche dell'università della Tuscia a Viterbo.
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Jeff Roland, 1969 | Surrealist / Abstract painter

Jeff Roland (born 16 June 1969 in Longeville-lès-Metz, Moselle, France) is a French artist and curator, known for his characteristic bold, colourful pieces fusing aspects of the raw style with contemporary literary and visual references.
He is part of a group of artists known as neo-outsiders, a term coined by Dr. Melissa Westbrook, as a result of her research into the developments of Outsider Art in the 21st century, and the impact of the internet and social networks on Contemporary Art.
His work is part of the London Museum of Everything permanent collection, and the Barcelona Davis Museum collection.
He has exhibited in several countries in Europe and was recently invited to show his work at the University of Nancy in France. Roland is also curating for the city of Liverdun, and organizes shows at Chateau Corbin, specializing in outsider art.