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Alexander Vereinov, 1956 | Portrait painter


Never underestimate the power, the brilliance, and the kindness of Alexander Vereinov. Cerebral Palsy can "only" make one appear not capable. No matter the limitations of one's body, there are those like Alexander whom are born with multiple gifts and Talents that any person would be proud to have.

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Jean-François Millet | The Barbizon school of painters

Jean-François Millet (1814-1875), French painter, who came of a peasant family, was born on the 4th of October 1814 in the hamlet of Gruchy, near Greville (La Manche), in the wild and picturesque district called La Hague.
His boyhood was passed working in his father's fields, but the sight of the engravings in an old illustrated Bible set him drawing, and thenceforth, whilst the others slept, the daily hour of rest was spent by Millet in trying to render the familiar scenes around him.

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Odile de Schwilgué, 1952 | Surrealist figurative painter

Born in Alsace, she spent the first sixteen years of her life in a small town near Strasbourg. "She did not become a painter by chance".
She owes her talent to her maternal great-grandmother. At a time when a woman did not fulfil herself in a professional capacity, the latter - despite a premature death - left a varied collection of her work behind, including some superb frescoes in the family home.
Odile has certainly inherited her passion. Everything was a pretext to draw and paint, to the detriment of classes at college which bored her.

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Franz Marc | The Blue Rider Group

Franz Marc (Monaco di Baviera, 8 febbraio 1880 - Verdun, 4 marzo 1916) è stato un pittore Tedesco.
Nacque dal pittore Wilhelm Marc che gli impartì una severa formazione calvinista insieme a suo fratello Paul.
Per breve tempo coltivò l'idea di diventare pastore.
Nel 1899 iniziò gli studi nella facoltà di filosofia all’università Ludwig Maximilian di Monaco ma nel 1900 decise di iscriversi all’accademia delle Belle Arti di Monaco e di darsi alla pittura. Compì diversi viaggi.

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Ugo Riva, 1951

Ugo Riva nasce a Bergamo nel 1951. Sin dall'inizio della sua carriera sperimenta diversi materiali, dal cemento alla pietra, dal marmo al egno, ma sarà con l'argilla che incontrerà la sua maggiore affinità. Questo materiale grazie alla sua malleabilità gli consentirà di rappresentare i segni, le vibrazioni e le passioni dei soggetti che ispirano le sue sculture. Ugo Riva ha tenuto, dal 1973 ad oggi, oltre trenta mostre personali in Italia e all'estero.