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Oleg Leonov / Олег Леонов, 1959

Russian Artist🎨 Oleg Leonov graduated at Kazan Art School in 1980, at Moscow State Art Institute, a studio of portraying by prof. Ilya Glazunov.
Since the year 1988, Oleg Leonov has participated many art exhibitions, such as All-Russian and foreign exhibitions and All-Union exhibitions.
Oleg is also a member of Moscow Union of Artists. Oleg is an extremely versatile and talented artist who beautifully portrays the enchantment of native nature and sweet charm and innocence of feminine beauty.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Drawings

Uomo d'ingegno e talento universale del Rinascimento italiano, incarnò in pieno lo spirito della sua epoca, portandolo alle maggiori forme di espressione nei più disparati campi dell'arte e della conoscenza. Leonardo da Vinci fu pittore, disegnatore, scultore, architetto, ingegnere, scenografo, anatomista, letterato, musicista, progettista e inventore. È considerato uno dei più grandi geni dell'umanità.

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Aleksandr Starodubov

I was born in Moscow in 1959. I live in Moscow. I use mixed media in my work: tempera, acrylic. Probably, my genes, for it was a matter of chance. I have been painting professionally since 1988 after the retirement from the Army. Before that I was an amateur artist.
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Guine Gerard, 1947 | Abstract Figurative painter

Un bien bel artiste, Gérard GUINÉ, dans ce genre délicat représenté par la femme en séduction et en mystère. Son réalisme n'est jamais inanimé malgré les poses de ses modèles, tant il sait les diversifier avec de subtiles évocations, redoublant le personnage en lui insufflant sortilège et grâce. La technique est remarquable et la lumière glisse avec une tendre efficacité sur la peau de biens jolies personnes tandis que de somptueux tissus et décors s'en donnent à coeur joie au sein de compositions attentives. Du métier, de la sensisibilité, de l'imagination et une perception magique de la beauté font de Gérard GUINÉ un maître en la matière. | André RUELLAN, critique d'art

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Raff Boyadjian, 1948

Armenian painter Raff Boyadjian grew up in Gyumri, one of the country's cultural centers. As a youngster, his first impressions of life swelled in him as he absorbed the spirit of the people, their happiness and joy, the depth of their traditions, and the pride of their heritage. These impressions continue to spring forth from him and are continually translated onto his canvas. Boyadjian studied fine art at several schools, including the prestigious University of Fine Arts and Theater. It was there that he mastered the art of painting and produced works that have been kept to this day by the school as examples of excellence for student reference. Boyadjian's diplomate work, entitled "Circus", received widespread critical acclaim, and the work was subsequently exhibited in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and other major Russian cities.