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Emilio Giunchi - Zenone, 1936 | Naif painter

Zenone - Emilio Giunchi - Naive painter well known in Italy and abroad, was born in Arezzo (Italy) and is known in the art as Zenone.

The artist explains the reason for the name:
"In art I chose this name because it links me to an important memory, in fact celebrated Zenone is the holy day in which I performed my first painting".
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Bruno Mondot, 1964 | Surrealist / Trompe l’oeil painter

Born in France, Bruno Mondot has won numerous prestigious acknowledgments and awards*. His work is collected worldwide and may be found in distinguished collections both public and private.

The work of Bruno Mondot is both fascinating and titillating in its effect.
This highly skilled and technically proficient artist creates a deep and refined allegory of amusements.
With artistic and mythical references embedded within his canvases, Mondot contrives and reveals alter dimensional realities.

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Paul Sérusier | Pittore post-impressionista

Paul Sérusier (Parigi, 9 novembre 1864 - Morlaix, 7 ottobre 1927) è stato un pittore francese post-impressionista, associato al movimento dei Nabis.
Nacque da una famiglia benestante di ceto medio e suo padre, un uomo d'affari che lavorava nell'industria del profumo, si assicurò che ricevesse un'educazione classica. Nel 1875, Sérusier fu ammesso al liceo Condorcet dove studiò filosofia classica, greco, latino e scienze. Ricevette i suoi due diplomi nel 1883, di filosofia e di scienze.
Nel 1885, dopo aver lavorato per un breve periodo nella società di un amico del padre, entrò alla prestigiosa Académie Julian per studiare arte.
Di carattere gentile, simpatico, fece subito amicizia sia con gli studenti sia con i professori.
La sua amicizia con Maurice Denis data da quest'epoca. Il primo successo giunse nel 1888 con Le Tisserand (Il Tessitore) ispirato al naturalismo fotografico e per questa opera ricevette una menzione al Salon des Indépendants.

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David Adickes, 1927 | Figurative sculptor /painter

Born in Huntsville, Texas, David Adickes earned his undergraduate degree in physics and mathematics from Sam Houston State College (now University).
The summer after graduation, he attended the Kansas City Art Institute and realized that art was what he really wanted to do.
Adickes used his G.I. Bill to study painting in Paris with modern master, Fernand Leger.
He returned to Houston and began painting full-time.

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Toshio Ebine / 海老根俊雄, 1978 | Romantic Fantasy painter

Toshio Ebine** / 海老根俊雄 is an Japanese artist** based in the Kanagawa Prefecture.
Started painting when he was 20.
His main medium is a gouache-watercolor mix, works, soft colors, full of romantic fantasy.
His work combines childlike wonder with the vastness of the universe in a calming aesthetic, that’s unique and beautiful.