Visualizzazione post con etichetta Singaporean Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Singaporean Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Tong Chin Sye 童振狮, 1939 | Watercolor painter | Part. 2

A renowned Singaporean multimedia artist and part-time lecturer in Western Art at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore, Chin Sye graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 1960.
Tong works on all media including chinese painting, calligraphy, watercolour, oil and acrylic.
For biographical notes and other works by Chin Sye see Tong Chin Sye 童振狮, 1939 | Watercolor painter.

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Tong Chin Sye 童振狮, 1939 | Watercolor painter

Singaporean Artist Tong Chin Sye is an avid traveller who sketches and paints on location. He is inspired by architectural and cultural subject matters. Tong’s painting technique is distinctive as his oils and watercolours naturally blend in the beauty of Chinese Calligraphy. Painting the rapidly changing cityscapes and street scenes of Singapore continues to be his passion.
Born in 1939, Tong Chin Sye is a renowned Singaporean multimedia artist and part-time lecturer in Western Art at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore.
In 1987, Tong won first prize in the PSA Art Competition held in Singapore.

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Tia Kee Woon 易其文, 1964 | Watercolour Cityscape painter

Tia Kee Woon is an artist from Singapore. He is famous through his technique of watercolor painting in acrylic environment. His painting style is very light and radiant, where the watercolors add the transparence to the picture, while acrylic make the colors look very deep. One can see the influence of Chinese and Japanese culture on his art.
His artworks bring out the vibrancy of acrylic medium while not losing the freshness and transparency of traditional watercolour. His choice of colours and delicate execution of the medium make his approach very suitable for complex landscape subject matters. In short, Jack Tia has reinvented watercolour with acrylic medium.

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Ng Woon Lam / 黄运南, 1971 | Watercolour painter

Singaporean painter Ng Woon Lam /黄运南 was once an engineer with Bachelor degree from NTU and Master in Science from NUS. He neverthelss decides to take up the challange of becoming a full time artist to accomplish his passion.
He is now a signature member of National Watercolor Society (NWS) of US.
His works have numerous national and international awards and been featured in leading art publications e.g. The Artist's Magazine, Splash and Watercolor Magic. His paintings were selected into The American Watercolor Society's International Juried Show and The Oil Painters of America. His most recent article, 'seeing with fresh eyes' is published in International Artist, April 2007.

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Nik Helbig, 1969 | Impressionist painter

Nicole Anne Chew-Helbig, Singaporean painter, was born 1969 in Singapore. Currently working in Austria.
Trained as a Biochemist, and used to own businesses in the service industry in Singapore.
Now is a full-time artist.
Nik's art is impressionistic, acrylics on canvas.
Mostly figurative, with a spiritual/mystical theme.