Visualizzazione post con etichetta Polish Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Polish Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Wisława Szymborska | Ritratto di Donna / Portrait of a Woman

Deve essere a scelta.
Cambiare, purché niente cambi.
È facile, impossibile, difficile, ne vale la pena.
Ha gli occhi, se occorre, ora azzurri, ora grigi,
neri, allegri, senza motivo pieni di lacrime.

Egon Schiele | Seated Woman with Bent Knees, 1917 | National Gallery of Prague

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Tamara de Lempicka | Russian Dancer, 1924

Russian Dancer was created in 1924 by Tamara de Lempicka (Polish Art Déco painter, 1894-1980).
The painting is part of the Collection of Polish businessman and art collector Marek Roefler/ Villa la Fleur, Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland.
Russian Dancer, posthumously titled in reference to the Ballets Russes - the troupe founded by Serge Diaghilev, which took Paris by storm in the 1910s and 1920s with its innovative choreography and gleaming costumes and sets designed by Russian artists-portrays a woman dressed in folk attire from southern Russia.

Tamara de Lempicka | Russian Dancer, 1924

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Wisława Szymborska | Life While-You-Wait / Una vita all'istante, 1996

Life While-You-Wait
Performance without rehearsal.
Body without alterations.
Head without premeditation.
I know nothing of the role I play.
I only know it’s mine. I can’t exchange it.

Herman Jean Joseph Richir

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Wisława Szymborska | Il poeta ed il mondo

Descritta dal comitato per il Nobel come il "Mozart della poesia" ma con "qualcosa della furia di Beethoven", Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012) è stata insignita del Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1996 "per una poesia che, con ironica precisione, permette al contesto storico e biologico di venire alla luce in frammenti d'umana realtà".

Il discorso della poetessa Wislawa Szymborska alla consegna del premio Nobel
7 dicembre 1996

(en) In un discorso, a quanto pare, la prima frase è sempre la più difficile.
Ebbene, la prima è comunque andata.
Ma ho la sensazione che anche le frasi successive - la terza, la sesta, la decima e così via, fino all'ultima parola - saranno altrettanto difficili, perché si suppone che io parli di poesia.

Pawel Kuczynski

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Wisława Szymborska | The poet and the world

Described by the Nobel committee as the "Mozart of poetry" but with "something of the fury of Beethoven", Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012) was awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature "for poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality".

Wisława Szymborska | Nobel Lecture
December 7, 1996

(it) They say the first sentence in any speech is always the hardest. Well, that one's behind me, anyway. But I have a feeling that the sentences to come - the third, the sixth, the tenth, and so on, up to the final line - will be just as hard, since I'm supposed to talk about poetry.
I've said very little on the subject, next to nothing, in fact. And whenever I have said anything, I've always had the sneaking suspicion that I'm not very good at it. This is why my lecture will be rather short. All imperfection is easier to tolerate if served up in small doses.

Jonathan Wolstenholme

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Jacek Yerka, 1952 | Il sogno Surrealista

Jacek Yerka, pittore surrealista Polacco, nato a Torun, vive e lavora con la sua famiglia, in un enclave rurale della sua nativa Polonia.
Inizia con lo studiare Storia dell'Arte e segue corsi di grafica, poi si dedica alla pittura nel 1980.
Dipinge (dapprima solo su tela con olio e acrilico) con meticoloso realismo stile fiammingo.
Nei suoi lavori s'intravvede la pastorale atmosfera della campagna polacca, che però fa da base non strutturale, difatti la magia sognante di Yerka s'ispira ai pittori e personaggi del 15°-16° secolo: Cagliostro. Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Hugo van der Goes e Jan van Eyck ed anche il moderno Magritte: una magia che in lui è fatta di cultura, grande immaginazione e simbolismo.

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Wojtek Siudmak, 1942 | Fantasy painter

Wojtek Siudmak, an artist of polish origin, settled in France in 1966 and is considered one of the principal representatives of fantastic realism, like M.C. Escher, L. Fini and others.
He himself claims to be a fantastic hyperrealist, conscientiously putting his originality into relief.

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L'amore ai tempi della Belle Èpoque | Sibilla Aleramo e Lina Poletti

Sibilla Aleramo, pseudonimo di Marta Felicina Faccio detta "Rina" (1876-1960), è stata una scrittrice, poetessa e giornalista Italiana.
È ricordata per il suo romanzo autobiografico "Una donna" (1901-1904) in cui dipinse la condizione femminile in Italia a cavallo fra il XIX ed il XX secolo.
Si tratta infatti di uno dei primi libri femministi apparsi in Italia.

Tamara de Lempicka | Les jeunes filles, 1930

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Józef Chełmoński | Genre painter

Józef Marian Chełmoński (1849-1914) was a Polish painter of the realist school with roots in the historical and social context of the late Romantic period in partitioned Poland.
He is famous for monumental paintings now at the Sukiennice National Art Gallery in Kraków and at the MNW in Warsaw.
Chełmoński was born in the village of Boczki near Łowicz in central Congress Poland under the Russian military control.
His first drawing teacher was his father Józef Adam (a small leaseholder and administrator of Boczki village). His mother was Izabela née Łoskowska.

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Marcin Jaszczak, 1975

Marcin Jaszczak is a Polish painter.
A graduate of Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, where he studied at the faculty of Visual Education.
In 2013 he got a degree in painting studio under the supervision of Professor T. Chojnacki.
The author of individual exhibitions: Municipal Library in Tomaszów Mazowiecki (2007), Community Centre in Poddębice (2006).

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Dominik Jasinski, 1981

Born in Rzeszow, Poland and currently based in Portugal, Dominik Jasinski, a painter, graphic designer and illustrator, graduated Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (2006).
Jasinski cooperates with a number of companies, fashion designers and institutions (Empik, Reserved, Tatuum, Dagma Art, Wasowscy Publishing House, Dar Al Funoon Kuwait, Maestro Foundation, As Cmielow Porcelain Company, Confashions Kuwait).
His art work features in the centenary edition of British VOGUE.

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Aga Osak | Magic realism painter

Polish painter and illustrator Aga Osak graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts at the University of Rzeszów.
Diploma in sculpture in the studio prof. Maria Górecka in 2009.
Graduated Active Art School of Theater Technique in Warsaw in 2011.
After graduation she was involved in theatrical scenery and theater costumes.

She also dealt with photography and stage design for photo shoots.
Currently she is focusing on painting.
Today she creates and paint magical stories from fantasy land based on Surrealism and Magic Realism.

She combines various painting techniques and styles and is looking for new means of expression.
Her painting is characterized by dynamics, expression, richness of color, details and symbols, with a mix of 3D elements and theater climate.

Aga Osak si è laureata all'Istituto di Belle Arti dell'Università di Rzeszów.
Diploma di scultura presso lo studio prof. Maria Gorecka nel 2009.
Diplomata alla Scuola d'Arte Attiva di Tecnica Teatrale di Varsavia nel 2011.
Dopo il diploma si è occupata di scenografie teatrali e costumi teatrali.

Si è occupata anche di fotografia e scenografia per set fotografici.
Attualmente si sta concentrando sulla pittura.
Oggi crea e dipinge storie magiche dal mondo fantastico basate sul surrealismo e sul realismo magico.
Combina varie tecniche e stili pittorici ed è alla ricerca di nuovi mezzi espressivi.
La sua pittura è caratterizzata da dinamica, espressione, ricchezza di colore, dettagli e simboli, con un mix di elementi 3D e clima teatrale.

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Kesja Tabaczuk, 1989 | Figurative painter

Kesja Tabaczuk was born in Opole, Poland and is currently living in Oslo, Norway.
She started studying art as soon as she could.
At the age of 12, Kesja applied to a school of Art in her home city of Opole.
She passed the test of drawing and painting with full score at first try.
After 3 successful years she decided to continue studying art in "OSSP" high school in Opole.

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Zygmunt Bauman | Amore liquido / Liquid Love

"Amore liquido: Sulla fragilità dei legami umani" è un libro del 2003 di Zygmunt Bauman (Sociologo e filosofo polacco, 1925-2017) che discute le relazioni umane nel mondo liquido moderno (postmoderno).
Il libro fa parte di una serie di libri scritti da Bauman, come Liquid Life e Liquid Times.

Joe Webb | Embrace blue

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Wisława Szymborska | Un amore felice / True Love

Un amore felice. È normale?
È serio? È utile?
Che se ne fa il mondo di due esseri
che non vedono il mondo?

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Wisława Szymborska | Il vecchio professore

Gli ho chiesto di quei tempi,
quando ancora eravamo così giovani,
ingenui, impetuosi, sciocchi, sprovveduti.
È rimasto qualcosa, tranne la giovinezza
- mi ha risposto.

Emanuel Baschny | Lesender Mann, 1905 | Österreichische Galerie Belvedere

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Władysław Ślewiński | Post-impressionist painter

Władysław Ślewiński (1856, in Nowy Białynin - 1918, in Paris) was a Polish painter.
He was one of Gauguin's students and a leading artist of the Young Poland movement (a modernist period in Polish visual arts, literature and music, covering roughly the years between 1890 and 1918. It was a result of strong aesthetic opposition to the earlier ideas of Positivism. Young Poland promoted trends of decadence, neo-romanticism, symbolism, impressionism and art nouveau).


He was born to a landowning family and his mother died in childbirth.
His cousin, the painter Józef Chełmoński, noticed his artistic talent and advised his father to enroll him at the drawing school operated by Wojciech Gerson.
His father resisted at first, but finally agreed.

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Aleksander Gierymski | Impressionist painter

Ignacy Aleksander Gierymski (1850, Warsaw - 1901, Rome) was a Polish painter of the late 19th century, the younger brother of Maksymilian Gierymski.
He was a representative of Realism as well as an important precursor of Impressionism in Poland.
Aleksander Gierymski completed Secondary State School nr III in Warsaw in 1867, and in the same year commenced drawing studies in Warsaw.
Between 1868-1872 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and graduated with a gold medal.
He received a commendation for his diploma work The Merchant of Venice.

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Władysław Podkowiński | Impressionist painter

Władysław Podkowiński (1866-1895) was a Polish master painter and illustrator associated with the Young Poland movement during the Partition period (The Partitions of Poland were three partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth that took place toward the end of the 18th century and ended the existence of the state, resulting in the elimination of sovereign Poland and Lithuania for 123 years.)
Podkowiński was born in Warsaw and began his artistic training at Wojciech Gerson's drawing school.
He then transferred to the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts where he studied between 1880 and 1884.
After graduating, Podkowinski began to contribute to many of the leading art journals in Warsaw at the time.

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Ewa Czarniecka, 1975 | Impressionist painter

Ewa Czarniecka is a Polish born Artist from the small South-Eastern village of Krasiczyn.
Naturally one of her early influences was the work of Bronislow Linke which she first discovered aged 13, when she would try and mimic his artwork to recreate the overwhelming feeling she felt to see it for the first time.
For years Ewa used pen and paper to express her thoughts, spending hours everyday writing in a journal.