Visualizzazione post con etichetta Danish Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Danish Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Out of Africa / La mia Africa: "Io conosco il canto dell'Africa..", 1985

"Io conosco il canto dell'Africa,
della giraffa e della luna nuova africana distesa sul suo dorso,
degli aratri sui campi e delle facce sudate delle raccoglitrici di caffè,
ma l'Africa conosce il mio canto?
L'aria sulla pianura fremerà un colore che ho avuto su di me?
E i bambini inventeranno un gioco nel quale ci sia il mio nome?
O la luna piena far un'ombra sulla ghiaia del viale che mi assomigli?
E le aquile sulle colline Ngong guarderanno se ci sono?"

Meryl Streep in "La mia Africa" / "Out of Africa"

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Eberhard Keil | Pupil of Rembrandt

Eberhard Keil or Keyl dit Monsù Bernardo (1624-1687) was a Danish Baroque painter who became a pupil of Rembrandt.
Keil was born in Helsingør.
According to the RKD he was a pupil of the Danish painter Morten Steenwinkel, who became a pupil of Rembrandt in Amsterdam in the years 1642-1644.

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Skagen painters | Art History and Sitemap

The Skagen Painters (Danish: Skagensmalerne) were a group of Scandinavian artists who gathered in the village of Skagen, the northernmost part of Denmark, from the late 1870s until the turn of the century.
Skagen was a summer destination whose scenic nature, local milieu and social community attracted northern artists to paint en plein air, emulating the French Impressionists - though members of the Skagen colony were also influenced by Realist movements such as the Barbizon school.
They broke away from the rather rigid traditions of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, espousing the latest trends that they had learned in Paris.

Peder Severin Krøyer | Summer Evening at Skagen Beach - The Artist and his Wife, 1899 | Hirschsprung Collection

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Ivan Malinowski | Adesso è il momento..!

Adesso è il momento di fare ciò che ti piace.
Non aspettare lunedì, non aspettare domani.
Non fare allungare davanti a te la carovana
di sogni calpestati. Non aspettare.

Non frenarti per paura o viltà.
Non posporre la vita con altra morte,
e non aspettare niente dalla sorte
che non sia più della tua tenacia e della tua energia.

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Camille Pissarro | La charcutiére, 1883

Like 'The Little Country Maid', this painting was executed while the artist lived near Pontoise, north-west of Paris.
During the 1880s he became interested in painting rural market scenes, several of which were based on the markets at Pontoise and its neighbouring villages.
Such subjects allowed Pissarro to combine the study of the human figure with depictions of outdoor scenes of everyday rural life.
Although he wrote to his son Lucien that he wished the painting to have a 'certain naive freshness', hence the light and informal brushstrokes, the central figure of the 'charcutière' was painted from the model and the pose carefully studied.

Camille Pissarro | La charcutiére, 1883 | Tate Gallery

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Louise Camille Fenne, 1972 | Magic realism painter

Louise Camille Fenne was born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Having a Danish father and an English mother, she grew up and went to school in both Denmark and England.
Louise studied drawing in Aix-en Provence, France and at The Glyptotek, Copenhagen, before enrolling at The Florence Academy of Art in 1995, being intrigued by the possibility of studying traditional painting and drawing techniques.

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Frants Henningsen | Genre painter

Frants Peter Diderik Henningsen (Copenhagen, 1850-1908) was a Danish painter, illustrator and professor.
His paintings depict unfortunate occurrences in the lives of middle-class people living in Copenhagen during difficult times.
His connections with Denmark's more traditional, realist school encouraged criticism from many of his more reactionary contemporaries, especially Karl Madsen who objected to his appointment as a professor at the Academy in 1887.

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Ingeborg Plockross Irminger (1872-1962)

Ingeborg Plockross Irminger (1872-1962) was a Danish artist who is remembered both for her sculptures and for the miniature porcelain statues of animals and human figures she designed while working for Bing and Grøndahl.
A bronze cast of her 1903 bust of the writer Herman Bang was installed on Sankt Annæ Plads in Copenhagen in 2012.

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Valdemar Irminger | Romantic painter

Valdemar Heinrich Nicolas Irminger (1850-1938) was a Danish painter.
Born in Copenhagen, Irminger attended the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1867 and 1873.
He went to Italy on a scholarship from 1884 to 1887.
In 1888, he won the Academy's medal for Motiv fra Børnehospitalet ved Refsnæs (View from the Children's Hospital at Refsnæs) and the following year for Fra et Børnehospital (From a Children's Hospital).

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H. A. Brendekilde | Udslidt (Worn Out), 1889

Hans Andersen Brendekilde's (Danish painter, 1857-1942) most famous painting is Udslidt (Worn Out).
He painted it for the World Exposition in Paris 1889, the 100 years celebration of the French Revolution.
In the catalogue it is called Au Secours.
It was exhibited in Copenhagen 1890, Munich 1891 (Zu Hülfe) and Chicago 1893 (Worn Out).

Hans Andersen Brendekilde | Worn out, 1889 (detail) | Funen's Art Museum

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Peter Tom-Petersen | Cityscape painter

Peter Tom-Petersen (5 March 1861 - 27 July 1926) was a Danish painter and graphic artist, known primarily for cityscapes, interiors and other architectural paintings.
His name was Peter Thomsen Petersen until 1920, when he had it legally changed to match his signature: "Tom P.".
Peter Thomsen Petersen was born at Thisted, Denmark.
He was the son of Christian Tullin Petersen and Maren Andrea Thomsen.
His father was a pharmacist.
He attended grammar school in Maribo until 1876.

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Viggo Pedersen | Impressionist / Genre painter

Viggo Christian Frederik Vilhelm Pedersen (1854, Copenhagen - 1926, Roskilde) was a Danish painter who primarily made his mark as a landscape painter.


Viggo Pedersen learned to draw from his father Thomas Vilhelm Pedersen and was then admitted to CV Nielsen's Drawing School and attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen from September 1871 to spring 1878.
Har traveled abroad in Germany (1873), in Paris (1881) and traveled from there to Switzerland (where Joakim Skovgaard met him) and Italy, which he visited several times since, along with trips to Holland and Germany.

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Georg Achen | Naturalist painter

Georg Nicolai Achen (23 July 1860 - 6 January 1912) was a Danish painter.
One of the more accomplished Naturalists of his generation, from the 1890s he specialized in portraits.
Born in Frederikssund and moved with his family to Copenhagen in 1871, he was the younger brother of the architect Eggert Achen.

Achen first studied painting under Vilhelm Kyhn before attending the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1877 to 1883.
Thereafter he studied under P.S. Krøyer at Kunstnernes Frie Studieskoler.
He first exhibited at Charlottenborg in 1883 and at Den Frie in 1896.

In the 1880s, he painted mainly landscapes but from the 1890s, he became one of Denmark's most popular portraitists, creating especially artistic paintings of members of his family.
Under the influence of Vilhelm Hammershøi, his interiors with a dark female figure in pink, grey and brownish hues testify to his simple, aesthetic approach.

One of his most appreciated works is Drømmevinduet (The Dream Window), an oil painting of a maid peering out of one of the windows in Liselund Slot, painted in 1903.

Georg Achen died in Frederiksberg on 6 January 1912.


In 1890, Aachen was awarded the Thorvaldsen Medal for Min Moders Portræt, a portrait of his mother. | Source: © Wikipedia

Georg Nicolai Achen (23 luglio 1860-6 gennaio 1912) è stato un pittore Danese.
Uno dei Naturalisti più affermati della sua generazione. Dal 1890 si specializzò in ritratti.

Nato a Frederikssund e trasferitosi con la famiglia a Copenaghen nel 1871, era il fratello minore dell'architetto Eggert Achen.
Achen studiò pittura per la prima volta con Vilhelm Kyhn prima di frequentare la Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts dal 1877 al 1883.
Successivamente studiò con P.S. Krøyer al Kunstnernes Frie Studieskoler.

Espone per la prima volta a Charlottenborg nel 1883 ea Den Frie nel 1896.
Nel 1880 dipinse principalmente paesaggi, ma dal 1890 divenne uno dei ritrattisti più famosi della Danimarca, creando dipinti particolarmente artistici dei membri della sua famiglia.

Sotto l'influenza di Vilhelm Hammershøi, i suoi interni con una figura femminile scura in tonalità rosa, grigie e marroni testimoniano il suo approccio estetico semplice.

Una delle sue opere più apprezzate è Drømmevinduet (La finestra dei sogni), un dipinto ad olio di una cameriera che sbircia da una delle finestre di Liselund Slot, dipinto nel 1903.

Georg Achen morì a Frederiksberg il 6 gennaio 1912.


Nel 1890 Aachen ricevette la medaglia Thorvaldsen per Min Moders Portræt, un ritratto di sua madre. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia

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Peter Ilsted | Copenhagen Interior School

Peter Ilsted (14 February 1861 - 16 April 1933) was a leading Danish artist and printmaker. He was most associated with domestic interior scenes.


Peter Vilhelm Ilsted was born at Sakskøbing in Guldborgsund, Denmark. He was the son of merchant Jens Peter Ilsted and Johanne Sophie Lund.
He was the brother-in-law of painter Vilhelm Hammershøi (1864-1916). He married Ingeborg Lovisa Petersen (1869-1945) in 1891.
He came to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 1878, completing his course of study in five years.
He made his debut at the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition in 1883.

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Hans Ole Brasen | Genre painter

Hans Ole Brasen (16 January 1849 - 24 February 1930) was a Danish painter. He won the Eckersberg Medal (an annual award of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts) in 1894.
Brasen was born in Hillerød to a merchant father.
His mother had painted some flower paintings as a young girl which inspired him to take up painting.
In 1863, he began an apprenticeship with master painter Ernst Schmiegelow, who supported his artistic talent and helped him get into the Art Academy.

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Erik Henningsen | Genre painter

Erik Ludvig Henningsen (1855-1930) was a Danish painter and illustrator.
He is best known for his Social Realist paintings of poor and exposed groups in the 1880s and 1890s. He was the younger brother of Frants Henningsen who was also a painter.
Erik Henningsen was born in Copenhagen to Frants Ludvig Henningsen (1820-1869), a grocer, and Hilda Charlotte Christine née Schou (1824-1880).
He showed an early artistic talent and was articled to decorative painter A. Hellesen.

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Le visioni poetiche della natura di Peder Mønsted

Nato alla fine dell'"Età dell'oro" (1800-1860) della pittura danese, Peder Mork Mønsted (1859-1941) si è fatto una reputazione principalmente come paesaggista naturalista, ammirato soprattutto per il suo punto di vista poetico.
La sua prima formazione artistica è stata alla Prince Ferdinand School of Art di Aarhus, in Danimarca, dove ha studiato con il paesaggista Andreas Fritz, che ha influenzato lo sviluppo del giovane artista.
Mønsted è poi entrato all'Accademia di Copenaghen nel 1875, ma se ne è andato nel 1879 senza sostenere l'esame finale, scegliendo invece di continuare i suoi studi in modo indipendente con artisti affermati, tra cui il pittore di genere e paesaggista realista danese Peder Severin Krøyer e dil pittore accademico francese William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

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Kristian Zahrtmann | Naturalist painter

Peder Henrik Kristian Zahrtmann, known as Kristian Zahrtmann (1843-1917) was a Danish painter.
He was a part of the Danish artistic generation in the late 19th century, along with Peder Severin Krøyer and Theodor Esbern Philipsen, who broke away from both the strictures of traditional Academicism and the heritage of the Golden Age of Danish Painting, in favor of naturalism and realism.
He was known especially for his history paintings, and especially those depicting strong, tragic, legendary women in Danish history.
He also produced works of many other genres including landscapes, street scenes, folk scenes and portraits.

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Christen Dalsgaard | Genre painter

Christen Dalsgaard (1824-1907) was a Danish painter, a late student of Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg.

Early life and education

Christen Dalsgaard was born on 30 October 1824. He was the son of the owner of the estate, Krabbesholm Manor, located near Skive in Jutland.
He showed early signs of artistic talent, and received training as a craft painter. In the spring of 1841 Niels Rademacher, a visiting landscape painter, encouraged the young artist and convinced his parents of their son's talent.

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Frederik Vermehren | Genre painter

Johan Frederik (Frits) Nikolai Vermehren, also known as Frederik Vermehren (1823-1910), a genre and portrait painter in the realist style.
His artistic career took place during the period of Danish art known as the Golden Age of Danish Painting.
Vermehren, along with his fellow artists Christen Dalsgaard (1824-1907) and Julius Exner (1825-1910), were prominent in the Danish genre of painting; they depicted ordinary people of the country, especially farmers and other country folk.
His idealised depictions helped define and encourage Denmark's period of national romanticism.