Visualizzazione post con etichetta Claude Monet. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Claude Monet. Mostra tutti i post
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Claude Monet | Nazi looting / Il saccheggio nazista

Under the Nazi regime, both in Germany from 1933 and in German-occupied countries until 1945, Jewish art collectors of Monet were robbed by Nazis and their agents.
Several of the stolen artworks have been returned to their rightful owners, while others have been the object of court battles.
In 2014, during the spectacular discovery of a hidden trove of art in Munich, a Monet that had belonged to a Jewish retail magnate was found in the suitcase of Cornelius Gurlitt, the son of one of Hitler's official dealers of looted art, Hildebrand Gurlitt.

Claude Monet | Fécamp, bord de mer

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Claude Monet | Woman in the Garden, Sainte-Adresse, 1867

This is a very early Impressionist work by the group's leader, Claude Monet.
The sunlight which floods the paintings of the Impressionists - who did most of their painting out of doors, directly from nature - here plays the central role.
Monet spent his childhood in Le Havre, which he periodically visited.
The Le Coteaux estate at Sainte-Adresse near Le Havre belonged to Monet's cousin, Paul-Eugene Lecadre.
Settling here in the summer of 1867, the artist painted several landscapes in the garden of the estate, of which "Woman in the Garden" is of central importance.

Claude Monet (1840-1926) | Woman in the Garden, Sainte-Adresse France, 1867 | Source: © State Hermitage Museum

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Claude Monet | Woman Seated under the Willows, 1880

A woman sits among loosely painted, crescent-shape blades of emerald and lemon-lime green grass, under tall trees in this vertical scene.
The brushstrokes are unconnected and visible, so many of the details difficult to make out.
Facing our left almost in profile, the woman’s form is suggested with thick strokes of eggshell white, periwinkle blue, mint green, and deep pink.
We get the impression of a light-colored dress that pools around her hips and legs, and a hat atop dark hair. Her face is painted with an area of blush peach.

Claude Monet | Woman Seated under the Willows, 1880 | National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

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Claude Monet | Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, 1865-1866

From: Musée d’Orsay, Paris

This fragment, there is a second also in the Musée d'Orsay, is one of the remaining parts of the monumental Luncheon on the Grass by Monet.
The work was started in the spring of 1865 and measured over four metres by six.
It was intended to be both a tribute and a challenge to Manet whose painting of the same title had been the subject of much sarcasm from the public as well as the critics when it was exhibited in the Salon des Refusés in 1863.
But the project was abandoned in 1866, just before the Salon where Monet intended to show it, opened.

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Claude Monet | Vétheuil, 1880

"I have painted the Seine throughout my life, at every hour, at every season...
I have never tired of it: for me the Seine is always new" - Claude Monet

Claude Monet | Vétheuil, 1880 | Sotheby's

The present work depicts Vétheuil, the small village situated sixty kilometres north of Paris on the riverbanks of the Seine, where the artist lived with his wife and children from 1878 until 1881.
Unlike Monet’s previous home of Argenteuil, Vétheuil was further along the Seine and thus slightly out of reach for Parisians escaping the city on a weekend.
As a result, both the village and surrounding countryside had remained largely untouched and the remote setting became the ideal vehicle for Monet’s increasing interest in painting nature en plein air.

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Claude Monet and the Sea

Claude Monet | The Jetty a Le Havre, 1868

Claude Monet | The Manneporte (Étretat), 1883 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

Monet spent most of February 1883 at Étretat, a fishing village and resort on the Normandy coast.
He painted twenty views of the beach and the three extraordinary rock formations in the area: the Porte d'Aval, the Porte d'Amont, and the Manneporte.

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Monet's Venice

The canvases Monet painted during his sole voyage to Venice, in the fall of 1908, are among the most popular and the best known of his art works. However, their number is relatively small: 37 canvases featuring a dozen different views, taken within short distance of one another.
"Although I am enthusiastic about Venice, and though I've started a few canvases, I'm afraid I will only bring back beginnings that will be nothing else but souvenirs for me", Monet wrote to the art seller Gaston Bernheim on October 25.

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Claude Monet at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Claude Monet | Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son, 1875

From: National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
From low on a hillside, we look up at a light-skinned woman and boy standing in tall grass against a sunny blue sky in this vertical painting.
The woman stands at the center of the composition, and the moss-green parasol she holds over her head almost brushes the top edge of the canvas.
Her body faces our left but she turns her head to look at us.
Her long dress is painted largely with strokes of pale blue and gray with a few touches of yellow.
Her voluminous skirts swirl around her legs to our left.

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Claude Monet at the Musée d'Orsay, Paris

The Musée d'Orsay is a museum in Paris, France, on the Left Bank of the Seine.
It is housed in the former Gare d'Orsay, a Beaux-Arts railway station built between 1898-1900.
The museum holds mainly French art dating from 1848-1914, including paintings, sculptures, furniture and photography.

It houses the largest collection of Impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces in the world, by painters including Berthe Morisot, Claude Monet - 86 paintings (another main collection of his paintings is in the Musée Marmottan Monet) including The Saint-Lazare Station, The Rue Montorgueil in Paris. Celebration of 30 June 1878, Wind Effect, Series of The Poplars, Rouen Cathedral. Harmony in Blue, Blue Water Lilies, Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe, Haystacks, The Magpie, Women in the Garden - Édouard Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Seurat, Sisley, Gauguin and Van Gogh.
Many of these works were held at the Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume prior to the museum's opening in 1986. It is one of the largest art museums in Europe.

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Claude Monet at the Museum Barberini

The Hasso Plattner Collection - Museum Barberini - contains more than 100 works by Impressionist and post-Impressionist painters, including 34 paintings by Claude Monet.
With over one hundred paintings, the Museum Barberini presented from 22 February - 19 July 2020, the largest retrospective ever to be devoted to the Impressionist painter Claude Monet in a German museum.
The exhibition drew primarily on the Hasso Plattner Collection and the Impressionist holdings of the Denver Art Museum, augmented by numerous loans from museums and private collections in many different countries, including the Musée d’Orsay and the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris, the National Gallery in London, the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, and the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra.

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Claude Monet | The River, 1881 | Museum Barberini

Claude Monet depicted an evening on the river using a reduced formal vocabulary. The impulsive play of lines seems to be rapidly set down, as if the painter had wanted to complete the composition just before the sun disappeared.
Several branches glow in the red light of its last rays. Although the picture has the appearance of a sketch, the artist’s signature indicates that he considered it an independent, completed work.
According to Academic standards, a finished painting was characterized by a polished surface in which even subordinate elements should be developed in some detail.
Monet resisted this aesthetic of the fini by dissolving the traditional distinction between the preparatory sketch (esquisse or étude) and the painting intended for exhibition (tableau).

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Claude Monet | Vita ed Opere

Claude-Oscar Monet (Parigi, 14 novembre 1840 - Giverny, 5 dicembre 1926) è stato un pittore Francese, considerato il padre dell'Impressionismo.

La formazione artistica

Claude Monet nacque nel 1840 a Parigi in rue Laffitte, secondogenito di Claude Adolphe e di Louise Justine Aubrée, una giovane vedova al suo secondo matrimonio. Nel 1845 i Monet si trasferirono a Sainte-Adresse, un sobborgo di Le Havre, dove il padre iniziò a gestire un negozio di drogheria e di forniture marittime insieme con il cognato Jacques Lecadre. A quindici anni l'adolescente Claude cominciò a disegnare a matita e a carboncino, e a vendere bonarie caricature di personaggi della città alla buona somma di una decina di franchi l'una, acquistando così una certa fama nella città insieme ad un modesto gruzzolo

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Claude Monet | Life and artworks

Claude Monet - in full Oscar-Claude Monet (born November 14, 1840, Paris, France-died December 5, 1926, Giverny), French painter who was the initiator, leader and unswerving advocate of the Impressionist style.
In his mature works, Monet developed his method of producing repeated studies of the same motif in series, changing canvases with the light or as his interest shifted.
These series were frequently exhibited in groups-for example, his images of haystacks (1891) and the Rouen Cathedral, 1894.

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Claude Monet | Inondation à Giverny, 1886

Claude Monet | Inondation à Giverny, 1886

In Inondation à Giverny Monet has created a vibrant landscape that pulses with dynamism. With the patchwork of colors that makes up the rolling hills of the landscape in the distance, coupled with the expansive stretch of water that carries the fragmented reflections of Giverny’s church and neighboring houses on its mirror-like surface, Monet has captured the effects of the natural light as it illuminated the region, and the atmospheric quality of the landscape as a whole, with remarkable results.

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Claude Monet | Haystacks | I Covoni

Haystacks is a title of a series of impressionist paintings by Claude Monet. The primary subjects of all of the paintings in the series are stacks of hay in the field after the harvest season.
The title refers primarily to a twenty-five canvas series (Wildenstein Index Number 1266-1290) begun in the end of summer of 1890 and continued through the following spring, using that year's harvest.

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Ile-de-France by Claude Monet

Guy de Maupassant, September 1886:

"Last year... I of ten followed Claude Monet in his search of impressions. He was no longer a painter, in truth, hut a hunter.
He proceeded, followed by children who carried his canvases, five or six canvases representing the same subject at different times of day and with different effects".

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Claude Monet | Flowers and Fruit, 1869

Title: Still Life with Flowers and Fruit;
Artist/Maker: Claude Monet🎨 (French, 1840-1926);
Place: France (Place Created);
Date: 1869;
Medium: Oil on canvas;
Dimensions: 100.3 × 81.3 cm (39 1/2 × 32 in.);
Current location: Getty Center J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.

Although painted in his studio, this still life shows the influence of the outdoor experiments that Claude Monet undertook in the summer and fall of 1869, while he was living at Bougival on the Seine River.

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Claude Monet at the Hermitage Museum

Claude Monet (1840-1926), a leading Impressionist painter is exhibited at the The State Hermitage Museum in Room 403.

The State Hermitage Museum / Госуда́рственный Эрмита́ж is a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The second-largest art museum in the world, it was founded in 1764 when Empress Catherine the Great acquired an impressive collection of paintings from the Berlin merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky.

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Claude Monet: "Il piacere più nobile è la gioia della comprensione"!

"Seguo la Natura senza poterla cogliere... forse il fatto di essere diventato pittore lo devo ai fiori".

"I am following Nature without being able to grasp her... I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers".

"It took me time to understand my waterlilies. I had planted them for the pleasure of it; I grew them without ever thinking of painting them".

"Mi ci è voluto del tempo per capire le mie ninfee. Li avevo piantati per il piacere di farlo; Li ho coltivati senza mai pensare di dipingerli".

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Claude Monet | The Parc Monceau, 1878

Monet painted six views of the Parc Monceau: three in 1876 and three in 1878.
In this canvas, the disposition of light and shade in the foreground, the patterns of the leaves, and the broad contours beginning to develop in areas of strong contrast suggest that Monet had already begun to experiment with the boldly two-dimensional motifs that would characterize his work of the 1880s and 1890s. | © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Claude Monet | The Parc Monceau, 1878 | Metropolitan Museum of Art