Visualizzazione post con etichetta Burmese Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Burmese Art. Mostra tutti i post

Ngwe Phyoe, 1989 | Drip painter


Burmese/Myanmar visual artist Ngwe Phyoe (born in Yangon, Myanmar) has held 10 solo exhibitions, including two art shows in Singapore and one in Hong Kong.
A graduate of the State School of Fine Arts in Yangon, Ngwe Phyoe started painting in the realism style but soon adopted his signature drip paint technique, a form of abstract art in which paint is dripped or poured on to the canvas.


This style of action painting was experimented with in the first half of the twentieth century by such artists as Francis Picabia, André Masson and Max Ernst, who employed drip painting in his works "The Bewildered Planet" and "Young Man Intrigued by the Flight of a Non-Euclidean Fly" (1942).
Ernst used the novel means of painting Lissajous figures by swinging a punctured bucket of paint over a horizontal canvas.

In his paintings, Ngwe Phyoe focuses on capturing Myanmar’s unique landscape and people.


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L'artista Birmano Ngwe Phyoe (nato in Yangon, Myanmar) ha tenuto 10 mostre personali, comprese due mostre d'arte a Singapore e Hong Kong.
Laureato allo State School of Fine Arts di Yangon, Ngwe Phyoe ha iniziato a dipingere nello stile del realismo, ma presto, per creare dipinti realisti ha adottato la sua tipica tecnica di pittura dripping, una tecnica pittorica caratteristica dell'action painting americana elaborato nella sua forma più tipica alla fine degli anni quaranta da Jackson Pollock.
Il dripping trae liberamente spunto dalla cosiddetta "scrittura automatica" surrealista: il colore (non olio, ma smalto opaco o vernici industriali usate per la prima volta proprio da Pollock intorno al 1947) viene lasciato sgocciolare sulla tela distesa per terra da un contenitore bucherellato o schizzato direttamente con le mani mediante l'uso di bastoni o pennelli.
Più tardi, tra gli anni cinquanta e gli anni sessanta, il dripping verrà largamente impiegato nell'ambito di tutti i movimenti europei di stile informale.

Nei suoi dipinti, Ngwe Phyoe si concentra sulla cattura del paesaggio e delle persone del Myanmar.

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Myoe Kyaw, 1966 | Impressionist painter


Burmese painter Myoe Kyaw was born in Yangon, Myanmar. He graduated from the State School of Fine Art Yangon and studied under U Thu Kha, U Mya Aye, and U Kyaw Lay. He has been exhibiting his work since 1987.
Myoe Kyaw's acrylic paintings are predominantly painted in cool tones. The strength of his brushwork in combination with his choice of colours produces a strong impression on his audience.
He has participated in over 70 group art exhibitions and has held 3 solo exhibitions in 2002, 2006 and 2012.


Myoe Win Aung, 1972 | Watercolour painter


Burmese painter Myoe Win Aung was born in Yangon and studied under several masters, including U Lun Gywe. He started painting in 1989 and graduated from the State School of Fine Arts in 1992. He now works as a full time artist. As with most painters in Burma today, religious life and Buddhism influence his artistic expression. He has regular shows in Rangoon and has also exhibited in Singapore.


Aung Kyaw Htet, 1965 | Figurative painter | VideoArt

Burmese artist Aung Kyaw Htet paints detailed Buddhist figures on expressionistic and sometimes ethereal backgrounds.
With a strong emphasis on the figurative and facial expressions in particular, he expertly combines color, line and form to achieve balanced compositions, as peaceful to experience as they are beautiful to look at.
For biographical notes and other works by Aung see:
Aung+Kyaw+Htet+-+Tutt'Art@ Aung+Kyaw+Htet+-+Tutt'Art@+(1)


Aung Kyaw Htet, 1965 | Figurative painter

Aung Kyaw Htet paints the faces of monks and nuns in great detail to show their humanity. This is in contradiction to most Burmese artists who usually omit facial details to focus on monks as symbols of religion rather than as human individuals.
Aung Kyaw Htet was born in Myaungmya and studied at the State School of Fine Arts in Rangoon.
He is a devout Buddhist and grew up in a small village, two factors which have a strong influence on his art.
His paintings of religious life in Burma show monks and nuns in a realistic manner, though non-essential objects are omitted from the paintings in order to draw attention to the individuals.

