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Visualizzazione post con etichetta 21st Century Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Alexander Sheversky, 1961 | Ballet dancers

Alexander Sheversky is an artist who truly captures the essence of beauty with his brushstrokes, whether he is painting a still life, a ballerina, or an assortment of candy in a crystal clear Mason jar.
Clean, modern, crisp. Sheversky's art speaks to his technical training, discipline, and great patience.
Alexander employes these same skills, in his daily practice of yoga.
Alexander Sheversky, born in the Republic of Moldova, the son of an accomplished artist.

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Iain Faulkner, 1973 | Figurative / Romantic painter

Scottish painter Iain Faulkner was born in Glasgow where he was raised and educated.
He graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 1996 with a BA (Honours) Degree in Fine Art.
From the onset of his professional career, the fashionable and trendy routes of contemporary and conceptual art, adopted by many of his peers, was not an option.
He chose instead to follow the more difficult and demanding path of figurative painting wherein clear, concise yardsticks of competence, draughtsmanship and painterly skills can be measured and judged, warts and all.

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Antonio Nunziante, 1956 | Il maestro della Metafisica

Il pittore Italiano Antonio Nunziante afferma che tra Surrealismo e Metafisica: "c’è una commistione.
Mediamente la metafisica mi da più apertura, nel senso che è una realtà possibile e più vicina a noi.
Il surrealismo invece è qualcosa di estremo, oltre una realtà.
Raramente vado oltre la realtà delle cose, infatti nel contesto della mia espressione apparentemente tutto sembra ben proporzionato e normale, ma non è proprio così".

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Scottish painter Jack Vettriano dies aged 73

Scottish painter Jack Vettriano, best known for his painting The Singing Butler, has died at the age of 73.
His publicist said the artist was found dead at his apartment in Nice, in the south of France, on Saturday, 1 March 2025.
It is understood there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

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Wisława Szymborska | Ritratto di Donna / Portrait of a Woman

Deve essere a scelta.
Cambiare, purché niente cambi.
È facile, impossibile, difficile, ne vale la pena.
Ha gli occhi, se occorre, ora azzurri, ora grigi,
neri, allegri, senza motivo pieni di lacrime.

Egon Schiele | Seated Woman with Bent Knees, 1917 | National Gallery of Prague

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Mariangela Gualtieri | Amore mio / My love

Amore mio,
è difficile da questo fondo, da questo finale, dire come mi manchi,
come immenso tu sei nel mancare, adesso che mi sono persa
fra masse dure, fra cinghie di buio pesto, senza divinità,
senza la tua mano che tutto sorregge.

Marc Chagall | The Lovers, 1929

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Loïc Jouannigot, 1953 | Children's book illustrator

Loïc Jouannigot, born in Brittany, France, is a children's book illustrator.
A graduate of the École des Beaux-Arts, he has worked for the children's book and advertising industries.
From 1987 onwards, he became known more widely as an illustrator of children's literature, with the beginning of a long series of publications on "La famille Passiflore" ("Beechwood Bunny Tails") with texts by Geneviève Huriet.
This serie has been a real best-seller, being translated in 28 languages.

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Charles Baudelaire | Inno alla bellezza / Hymn to Beauty

Vieni dal cielo profondo o esci dall’abisso,
Bellezza? Il tuo sguardo, divino e infernale,
dispensa alla rinfusa il sollievo e il crimine,
ed in questo puoi essere paragonata al vino.

Daniel Gerhartz | Green velvet

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Giuseppe Modica, 1953 | Metaphysical painter

Giuseppe Modica, born in Mazara del Vallo (TP- Italy), is among the main exponents of Italian Metaphysical painting in the second half of the twentieth century.
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
In 1986 he moved to Rome, where he currently lives and works and holds the chair of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Author "metaphysically new" (D. Micacchi), he occupies a very specific place in contemporary artistic culture.

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Mariangela Gualtieri | Sii dolce con me

Sii dolce con me. Sii gentile.
È breve il tempo che resta. Poi
saremo scie luminosissime.
E quanta nostalgia avremo
dell’umano. Come ora ne
abbiamo dell’intimità.

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Rabindranath Tagore | Non andartene amore / Do not go, my love

Non partire, amor mio, senza avvertirmi.
Ho vegliato tutta la notte,
e ora i miei occhi son pesanti di sonno.

Ho timore di perderti mentre dormo.

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Erzsébet Furmen | Pebble Artist

The Hungarian artist Erzsébet Furmen (Erzsébet Szilajka) brings stones to life in her charming Pebble Art.
She has loved stones since her childhood. She enthusiastically collected pebbles and made of them pieces of her life out like a mosaic.
Just as in her childhood, today Erzsébet can also spend a few hours on a gravel road or on a beach, choosing the most interesting, textured and ribbed stones for her work.
Now the artist tells stories about couples, family and love for animals.

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Trish Biddle | Art Déco painter

American artist Trish Biddle studied at the Dallas Institute of Art, before beginning her career as an illustrator and textile designer.
Trish Biddle is published internationally, and is collected around the world.
Her process of drawing, painting and designing eventually melded onto canvases, creating romantic images and her unmistakable Art Déco figurative paintings.

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Wisława Szymborska | Life While-You-Wait / Una vita all'istante, 1996

Life While-You-Wait
Performance without rehearsal.
Body without alterations.
Head without premeditation.
I know nothing of the role I play.
I only know it’s mine. I can’t exchange it.

Herman Jean Joseph Richir

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The Italian painter Bruno di Maio died at the age of 80!

Bruno di Maio (1944-2024), one of the Italy's best Figurative artists, passed away in December 2024, at the age of 80!
Di Maio was born in North Africa in 1944 to Italian parents.
Artist, graphic designer, excellent watercolourist, di Maio has worked mainly for an international clientele, as well as in the main cities of Italy, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Tokyo and Madrid.

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Oscar Wilde | Flower of Love

Sweet, I blame you not, for mine the fault was, had I not been made of common clay
I had climbed the higher heights unclimbed yet, seen the fuller air, the larger day.

From the wildness of my wasted passion I had struck a better, clearer song,
Lit some lighter light of freer freedom, battled with some Hydra-headed wrong.

Had my lips been smitten into music by the kisses that but made them bleed,
You had walked with Bice and the angels on that verdant and enamelled meed.

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Charles Warren Mundy, 1945 | Impressionist painter

Charles Warren Mundy is an American impressionist painter, born in Indianapolis, Indiana.
His works has been displayed in the Indiana state Museum, The University of Louisville Hall of Fame, Indianapolis 500, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.

Charles Warren Mundy 1945 | American Plein Air Impressionist painter

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Mariangela Gualtieri, 1951 | Bello mondo

In quest’ora della sera
da questo punto del mondo

Ringraziare desidero il divino
labirinto delle cause e degli effetti
per la diversità delle creature
che compongono questo universo singolare

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio | The Lute Player, 1597

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Mariangela Gualtieri, 1951 | Beautiful World

At this time of the evening
from this point of the world

I want to give thanks to the divine
labyrinth of causes and effects
for the diversity of creatures that make up this singular universe
thank I wish

Pietro Magni | La leggitrice / The reading girl, 1864 (detail) | GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Milano

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Iban Barrenetxea, 1973 | Fantasy writer / illustrator

Iban Barrenetxea is a Spanish graphic designer and writer.
Iban lets his imagination run lose in his work, and creates hilarious and fantastic scenes overflowing with unique details and characters.
Iban Barrenetxea is one of the most internationally-acclaimed illustrators and authors in the field of children’s and young adult literature in Spain.
He has received numerous awards and has exhibited in Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portugal and Japan and his books have been translated into several languages: French, Russian, Japanese and Korean.