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Visualizzazione post con etichetta 1st century CE Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Pompeian red | Ancient colors

Pompeian red refers to the color of iron oxide-based mineral pigment with a hue close to red ochre, so named because of its common use in ancient Roman painting and the fact that it is abundant in the murals of Pompeii.
Studies have shown that walls with Pompeian red backgrounds were painted in various ways, of which the use of cinnabar was the most expensive.
This term also defines the ochre-red color of a plaster characteristic of Roman ceramics.

Pompeii roman freso

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The Muses frescoes at the Pompeii’s Moregine

Pompei - Affreschi di Moregine(primo triclinio) | Erato (detail)

Pompeii’s Moregine frescoes, which were unearthed inside a Roman villa discovered in 1959 during construction works for the Naples-Salerno highway, are on display inside the newly-restored Large Gymnasium.
The Moregine architectural complex is located outside the walls of Pompeii, approximately 600 meters South of the Stabian Gate.
The ancient villa was discovered at the mouth of the river Sarno and of its ancient trading post: a porticoed courtyard fronted by at least five frescoed triclinia, or formal dining rooms, and thermal baths under construction.

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Pompei, la città sepolta dal Vesuvio

Pompei ha origini antiche quanto quelle di Roma: infatti la «gens pompeia» proveniente dagli Oschi, uno dei primi popoli italici, nell’VIII secolo a.C., fondò e diede il nome al primo aggregato urbano. Luogo di passaggio obbligato tra il nord ed il sud, tra il mare e le interne ricche vallate, ben presto Pompei diventa importante nodo viario e portuale e, pertanto, ambita preda per i potenti stati confinanti.
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Colours of Pompeii

The Roman world was a mass of colour - most clearly preserved in Pompeii.
In wealthy houses, mosaics, frescoes and marble panelling formed a multi-coloured backdrop to painted sculpture, terracotta objects and furniture - as well, of course, did textiles and soft furnishings.
Public temples and other monuments featured vibrant decorations, while the streets blazed with painted signs and adverts for shops, bars, and politicians.

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Pompei sotto l'ira del Vesuvio

L'eruzione del 79 d.C del Vesuvio è probabilmente la più nota eruzione vulcanica della storia.
Essa fu descritta da Plinio il Giovane in due lettere in cui raccontava le tragiche circostanze della morte dello zio, Plinio il Vecchio, partito con una nave dal porto militare di Miseno (Campi Flegrei) per portare soccorso agli abitanti di Pompei a seguito dell'eruzione.
Da qui il termine eruzione pliniana per questo tipo di fenomeno particolarmente violento e distruttivo.

Pompei sotto l'ira del Vesuvio