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Cecil van Haanen | Genre painter

Cecil van Haanen (1844-1914) was a Vienna-born Dutch portrait and genre painter, whose significant work was centred at Venice.
Van Haanen was the son to landscape painter Remigius Adrianus Haanen (1812–1894) and Emilie Mayer von Alsó-Rußbach.
He received early artistic training from his father and Friedrich Schilcher, and from April 1854 was educated at the pre-school of the Vienna Academy under Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger.

He attended the Karlsruhe Academy from 1863 to 1865, where he was taught by Ludwig des Coudres and Johann Wilhelm Schirmer.
Later he was admitted to Karl von Piloty's school of painting in Munich, where he was taught by Hermann Anschütz, and became friends with the painter Wilhelm Leibl.
In 1866 he moved to Antwerp where he stayed for six years.

Here he was taught by Jozef Van Lerius, who introduced him to history and portrait painting, and genre painting which became the significant oeuvre of his later painting in Venice.
Although living largely in Venice from 1873, he spent time in London working as a magazine illustrator.
Cecil van Haanen died in Vienna and was buried in Vienna Central Cemetery. | Source: © Wikipedia

Foto d'archivio del manifesto dell'Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte di Venezia (Giardini) del 1895

Cecil van Haanen (1844-1914) è stato un ritrattista e pittore di genere Olandese nato a Vienna, il cui lavoro significativo era incentrato a Venezia.
Van Haanen era figlio del paesaggista Remigius Adrianus Haanen (1812-1894) e di Emilie Mayer von Alsó-Rußbach.
Ricevette una formazione artistica precoce da suo padre e da Friedrich Schilcher e dall'aprile 1854 fu istruito presso la scuola materna dell'Accademia di Vienna sotto Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger.

Frequentò l'Accademia di Karlsruhe dal 1863 al 1865, dove fu istruito da Ludwig des Coudres e Johann Wilhelm Schirmer.
Successivamente fu ammesso alla scuola di pittura di Karl von Piloty a Monaco, dove fu istruito da Hermann Anschütz e divenne amico del pittore Wilhelm Leibl.
Nel 1866 si trasferì ad Anversa, dove rimase per sei anni.
Qui fu istruito da Jozef Van Lerius, che lo introdusse alla pittura storica e ritrattistica, ed alla pittura di genere che divenne l'opera significativa della sua successiva pittura a Venezia.

Sebbene vivesse in gran parte a Venezia dal 1873, trascorse del tempo a Londra lavorando come illustratore di riviste.
Cecil van Haanen morì a Vienna e fu sepolto nel Cimitero centrale di Vienna. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia