Giuseppe Modica, born in Mazara del Vallo (TP- Italy), is among the main exponents of Italian Metaphysical painting in the second half of the twentieth century.
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
In 1986 he moved to Rome, where he currently lives and works and holds the chair of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Author "metaphysically new" (D. Micacchi), he occupies a very specific place in contemporary artistic culture.
He has exhibited in Italy and abroad in prestigious retrospectives and museum exhibitions, appreciated by critics such as Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco, Claudio Strinati, Janus, Guido Giuffrè, Vittorio Sgarbi and by writers such as Leonardo Sciascia, Antonio Tabucchi, Giorgio Soavi, Massimo Onofri, Roberto Calasso.
We highlight the most significant personal exhibits in museums and important private galleries:
1986/1989/1993 - Personal exhibitions at the "La Tavolozza" Gallery in Palermo, with texts by Bruno Caruso, Vittorio Sgarbi, Corrado Sofia, Giorgio Soavi, Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco.
1989 - Solo exhibition at the Jannone gallery in Milan with L'ammodicazione del sogno, text by Vittorio Sgarbi;
1991 - Personal exhibition Le stanze inquiete /The uneasy rooms, curated by M. Fagiolo dell’Arco with text by Janus, at the Tour Fromage of Aosta;
1993 - Anthological exhibition, at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara, with texts by Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco and Cesare Vivaldi;
1996 - Solo show in Milan, Appiani Arte 32 Gallery, with text by Marco Di Capua;
1997 - Anthological exhibition curated by M. Goldin, with texts by Guido Giuffrè, Claudio Strinati, Massimo Onofri, Luigi Burzotta, in Treviso, Casa dei Carraresi;
1999 - XIII Art Quadriennale, Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome; in the same year he exhibited in the solo show at the Inter Art Galerie Reich, Cologne (Germany);
2000 - solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Center in Utrecht (Holland);
2002 - La luce e la luce e la luce, retrospective exhibition curated by Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco, Mazara del Vallo, Palazzo del Seminario, with texts by Giorgio Soavi, Antonino Cusumano, Nino De Vita;
2004 - At the Vittoriano, Rome, retrospective exhibition "Riflessione" come metafora della pittura / "Reflection" as a metaphor for painting, curated by Claudio Strinati; in the same year, retrospective exhibition Piero ed altri enigmi curated by Giovanni Faccenda, at the Civic Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Arezzo;
2005 - L’enigma del tempo e l’alchimia della luce / The enigma of time and the alchemy of light - retrospective exhibition curated by Aldo Gerbino at the Loggiato di San Bartolomeo, Palermo;
2007 - La realtà dell’illusione, Opere 1983-2007, retrospective exhibition curated by Guido Giuffrè, at the Convento del Carmine Galleria Civica in Marsala;
2008 - Roma e la città riflessa, solo exhibition curated by Claudio Strinati, at Palazzo di Venezia, Rome;
2010 - Inseguire la Pittura. Giuseppe Modica opere 1999-2010 / Chasing painting. Giuseppe Modica works 1999-2010, retrospective exhibition curated by Laura Gavioli, Potenza, Civic Gallery of Palazzo Loffredo;
2011 - 54 International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Venice, Italy Pavilion, Corderie Arsenale, chosen by the literary critic Massimo Onofri;
2012 - he was invited to the review: Dopo de Chirico. Artisti metafisici italiani contemporanei / After de Chirico. Contemporary Italian metaphysical artists at the Panorama Museum in Bad Frankenhausen (Germany) with text by Gerd Lindner;
2014 - The Italian embassy in Canberra (Australia) permanently exhibits three important works and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs includes three works, among the most significant of his research, in the Contemporary Art Collection of the Palazzo della Farnesina;
2015 - Solo exhibition Luce di Roma, curated by Roberto Gramiccia, at the Galleria La Nuova Pesa in Rome and in the same year a solo exhibition on the theme of Mediterraneanness at the Galleria Sifrein in Paris: La melancolie onirique de Giuseppe Modica, text by Giovanni Lista;
2016 - curated by Donatella Cannova and Sasha Grishin are the exhibitions in Sidney, Camberra and Melbourne (Australia), promoted by the Italian Cultural Institute;
2016 - on May 6, curated by Marcello Fagiolo, the triptych La Crocefissione di Luce / The Crucifixion of Light, specially painted for the Mother Church by Ludovico Quaroni in Gibellina (TP), will be inaugurated with the patronage of the Orestiadi Foundation, the Diocese of Mazara del Vallo and the Municipality of Gibellina.
2017 - is invited by the Chinese National Academy of Beijing to exhibit 10 large works at the Phoenix Art Exhibition China - Europe in the museums of Fenghuang. He was awarded the "Best Figurative Painter Artist" award with the acquisition of the work in the Museum.
2018 - April - always in the civic museums in Fenghuang, he is invited to exhibit a series of works as part of a review on Italian Art which involves the Academies of Fine Arts in Rome, Florence and Milan.
2018 - September - solo exhibition La luce ricorda curated by Giorgio Agamben and Zhang Xiaoling as part of a review of four solo shows by two Italian painters (Giuseppe Modica and Ruggero Savinio) and two Chinese painters (Zhang Yidan and Tan Yongli) at the Beijing National Academy of Painting.
He is invited to exhibit in the China-Italy engraving exhibition: Dialogue, edited by Luo Guirong, in the Museum of the Yinchuan Municipality (China);
Contemporary Art Exhibition from Italy Beyond The Horizon, curated by Zhang Yidan with the artistic direction of Gao Jing, at the World Art Museum in Beijing;
2019 -He is invited to the 4th International Artistic Festival on the Silk Road in Quanzhou (China);
2020 - The large-scale work La via della seta-Il mondo in una stanza / The Silk Road-The world in a room is present in the traveling exhibition The Belt and Road organized by the National Academy of China in Beijing and by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China.
Modica, Giuseppe - Pittore Italiano (n. Mazara del Vallo 1953).
Tra i principali esponenti della pittura Metafisica italiana del secondo Novecento, dopo gli studi all’Accademia di Belle arti di Firenze si stabilisce alla metà degli anni Ottanta a Roma, dove B. Caruso presenta i suoi lavori alla galleria Incontro d’arte.
Nel 1986 la sua produzione suscita l’interesse di L. Sciascia, che ne scrive sottolineando lo studio della luce ed il rapporto tra la rappresentazione dei luoghi d’infanzia ed il loro carattere surreale e trasognato.
Nel 1989 V. Sgarbi gli dedica il testo per due personali a Palermo e Milano L’ammodicazione del sogno, in cui riflette sulla natura metafisica e sulla poetica delle visioni mediterranee espresse dai suoi quadri, aspetti che nel 1993 stimoleranno un profondo dialogo con A. Tabucchi, autore per M. del racconto Le vacanze di Bernardo Soares.
Inserito nel 1999 da M. Fagiolo dell’Arco (curatore nel 2002 del catalogo La luce è la luce è la luce) nel gruppo De Metaphisica, docente di Pittura all’Accademia di belle arti di Roma dal 2004, le sue mostre sono state ospitate da musei, gallerie private ed istituti di cultura di Colonia (1999), Barcellona (2003), Parigi (2015) e Sydney (2016).
Nel 2018 ha partecipato a Pechino alla mostra Light of memory, curata da G. Agamben e Zhang Xiaolin, mentre è del 2021 la personale Atelier. Giuseppe Modica Opere 1990-2021 allestita presso il Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen di Roma. | Fonte: © Treccani, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana.