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Henri Chapu | Jeanne d'Arc à Domremy, 1873

19th-century France was fascinated by the figure of Joan of Arc, an historical, mythified heroine who figured in the readily anti-British nationalist movement in the second half of the 19th century.
Henri Chapu (French sculptor, 1833-1891), a classical sculptor who explored a sincere, elegant form of naturalism with great finesse, chose to represent not the warrior maiden in a suit of armour but the shepherdess from Lorraine listening to the voices asking her to help the king to liberate the kingdom.

Henri Chapu | Jeanne d'Arc à Domremy, 1873 | Musée d'Orsay, Paris

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Cecilia Beaux | Sita and Sarita, 1894

This portrait by Cecilia Beaux (American Impressionist painter and portraitist, 1855-1942) portrays the artist's cousin, Sarah Allibone Leavitt, dressed in white with her black cat on her shoulder.
Beaux was recognized not only for her bold painting technique, but also for her ability to imbue her female subjects with wit and intelligence, rendering them more than just mere objects of beauty.
A student in Paris in the late 1880s, the artist was influenced by her firsthand exposure to French impressionism.
Her light-filled palette and gestural style invite comparisons with many of her contemporaries, including William Merritt Chase, James McNeill Whistler, John Singer Sargent and Mary Cassatt.

Cecilia Beaux | Sita and Sarita, 1894 | Musée d'Orsay, Paris

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August Macke (1887-1914)

August Macke è stato un pittore Tedesco, uno degli esponenti principali del movimento espressionista tedesco Der Blaue Reiter (Il cavaliere blu).
Macke visse durante un periodo particolarmente innovativo per l'arte tedesca che vide lo sviluppo dei principali movimenti espressionisti tedeschi nonché l'arrivo dei successivi movimenti di avanguardia che si stavano formando nel resto d'Europa.
Come un vero artista del suo tempo, Macke sapeva come integrare nei suoi quadri gli elementi dell'avanguardia che più lo interessavano.

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Charles Warren Mundy, 1945 | Impressionist painter

Charles Warren Mundy is an American impressionist painter, born in Indianapolis, Indiana.
His works has been displayed in the Indiana state Museum, The University of Louisville Hall of Fame, Indianapolis 500, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.

Charles Warren Mundy 1945 | American Plein Air Impressionist painter

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60 meraviglie d'Italia, patrimonio dell'Umanità | Pagina 2

Il termine UNESCO è l’acronimo di United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (in italiano: Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura).
Si tratta di un’agenzia speciale delle Nazioni Unite, fondata a Parigi nel 1945 (subito dopo la fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale), con l’obiettivo di promuovere la pace e la comprensione tra le nazioni attraverso i canali dell’Educazione, Scienza, Cultura e Comunicazione.
L'Italia può vantare 60 siti iscritti nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dall’UNESCO: monumenti, centri storici, parchi archeologici e naturali, luoghi ai quali viene riconosciuto di essere uniche, eccezionali testimonianze del percorso dell’essere umano sulla Terra.

Di seguito la seconda pagina dei 60 siti Italiani
(in ordine alfabetico)

Castel del Monte
Puglia, Andria
Anno di ammissione: 1996

Quando nel XIII secolo l'imperatore Federico II costruì questo castello presso Bari, lo dotò di importanza simbolica, come è evidente dalla posizione, dalla precisione matematica ed astronomica della pianta e dalla sua forma perfettamente regolare.

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60 meraviglie d'Italia, patrimonio dell'Umanità | Pagina 1

Attualmente l'Italia detiene il maggior numero di siti inclusi nella lista dei Patrimoni dell'Umanità di Unesco: 60 siti.
Di questi:
- 6 sono siti naturali: Isole Eolie, Monte San Giorgio, Dolomiti, Monte Etna, Antiche faggete primordiali dei Carpazi e di altre regioni d’Europa, Carsismo nelle evaporiti e grotte dell’Appennino Settentrionale - e, nell’ambito dei rimanenti 53 siti del Patrimonio Mondiale,
- 8 sono paesaggi culturali: Costiera Amalfitana, Portovenere, Cinque Terre e Isole (Palmaria, Tino e Tinetto), Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano, con i siti archeologici di Paestum, Velia e la Certosa di Padula, Sacri Monti del Piemonte e della Lombardia, Val d’Orcia, Ville e giardini medicei in Toscana, Paesaggi vitivinicoli del Piemonte: Langhe-Roero e Monferrato, Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene.

Le 60 meraviglie d'Italia | Patrimonio dell'umanità Unesco

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Femme en promenade, 1890

Pierre-Auguste Renoir demonstrated affinity toward portraiture, evidenced by its prevalence in and importance to his oeuvre.
He had a range of patrons, and in fact, his success and resultant legacy as an artist is intimately tied to his penchant for depicting women and children.
In the Paris Salon of 1879, he exhibited a family portrait of Madame Charpentier titled Portrait de Madame Charpentier et ses enfants.
Madame Charpentier was the wife of the publisher of Emile Zola, Gustave Flaubert, and the Goncourt brothers, and this initial work spurred his popularity and resulted in an increasing number of portrait commissions following its public exhibition.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Femme en promenade, 1890 | Christie's

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Socrate: "Wonder is the beginning of wisdom"

Socrates (Σωκράτης; c. 470 BC - 399 BC) was a classical Greek (Athenian) philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy.
Through his portrayal in Plato's dialogues, Socrates has become renowned for his contribution to the field of ethics, and it is this Platonic Socrates who lends his name to the concepts of Socratic irony and the Socratic method, or elenchus.
The latter remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions, and is a type of pedagogy in which a series of questions is asked not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand.

"Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people".
"Le menti forti discutono di idee, le menti medie discutono di eventi, le menti deboli discutono di persone".

"I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think".
"Non posso insegnare niente a nessuno. Posso solo fargli pensare".

Jacques-Louis David | The Death of Socrates, 1787 (detail) | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Joseph Stella | America's first Futurist

Joseph Stella (born Giuseppe Michele Stella, 1877-1946) was an Italian-born American Futurist painter best known for his depictions of industrial America, especially his images of the Brooklyn Bridge.
He is also associated with the American Precisionist movement of the 1910s–1940s.

Early life and education

Battle of Lights, Coney Island, Mardi Gras, a 1914 portrait of Coney Island by Stella now on display at Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut Stella was born to a middle-class family in Italy, in Muro Lucano, a village in the province of Potenza.
His grandfather Antonio and his father Michele were attorneys, but he came to New York City in 1896 to study medicine, following in the footsteps of his older brother Doctor Antonio Stella.

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Joseph Farquharson | Victorian painter

Joseph Farquharson DL (4 May 1846 - 15 April 1935) was a Scottish painter, chiefly of landscapes, in Scotland often including animals.
He is most famous for his snowy winter landscapes, often featuring sheep and often depicting dawn or dusk.
He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and died at Finzean, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
Nicknames include "'Frozen Mutton' Farquharson" and "The Painting Laird".

Joseph Farquharson | The Shortening Winter's Day is near a close, 1903

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Mariangela Gualtieri, 1951 | Bello mondo

In quest’ora della sera
da questo punto del mondo

Ringraziare desidero il divino
labirinto delle cause e degli effetti
per la diversità delle creature
che compongono questo universo singolare

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio | The Lute Player, 1597

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Mariangela Gualtieri, 1951 | Beautiful World

At this time of the evening
from this point of the world

I want to give thanks to the divine
labyrinth of causes and effects
for the diversity of creatures that make up this singular universe
thank I wish

Pietro Magni | La leggitrice / The reading girl, 1864 (detail) | GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Milano

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René Magritte | The Blank Signature, 1965

"Everything that is visible hides something that is invisible" - René Magritte

In The Blank Signature, René Magritte (Belgian surrealist artist, 1898-1967) does what he does best: he takes our familiar world, breaks it into pieces, and then reassembles it…
As one of the leading figures of the surrealist movement in 1920s Paris, Magritte's approach mirrors one of the group’s fundamental principles.
The surrealist manifesto, a multi-page written declaration drawn up by André Breton in 1924, states their aim was to "liberate the mind by subverting rational thought and giving free reign to the unconscious".

René Magritte | The Blank Signature, 1965 | National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

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Pablo Neruda | Quando i genitori invecchiano / When parents get old

Quando i genitori invecchiano...
Lasciateli invecchiare con lo stesso amore con cui vi hanno fatto crescere...
Lasciateli parlare e raccontare più volte le stesse storie, con la stessa pazienza e interesse con cui ascoltavano le vostre quando eravate bambini...

Luigi Nono | La nonna che rammenda il calzone al nipotino

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Salvatore Quasimodo | Ed è subito sera / And it's suddenly evening, 1930

Ed è subito sera è una poesia di Salvatore Quasimodo.
Si tratta di uno tra i componimenti più brevi e più famosi del poeta siciliano e più in generale della corrente ermetica.
Originariamente gli intensi versi liberi di questa breve poesia costituivano la terzina finale di una poesia più lunga intitolata Solitudini contenuta in Acque e terre, la prima raccolta di poesie dell'autore pubblicata nel 1930, comprendente le liriche scritte dal poeta dal 1920 al 1929 (alcune delle quali erano già apparse sulla rivista Solaria).

Una raccolta che rappresenta, insieme con Oboe sommerso, la fase del primo Quasimodo.
Tagliando i diciannove versi iniziali di Solitudini, Quasimodo ne estrasse successivamente i tre versi di Ed è subito sera, che è la poesia di apertura della raccolta omonima (pubblicata nel 1942)

René Magritte | Le Banquet, 1955-57 | Sotheby's

Salvatore Quasimodo | Solitudini

Una sera: nebbia, vento,
mi pensai solo: io e il buio.

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Norman Rockwell | Picasso vs. Sargent, 1966

Picasso vs. Sargent was created in 1966 by Norman Rockwell (American painter and illustrator, 1894-1978) for the January 11, 1966 edition of the LOOK magazine.
It is part of the collection of the National Museum of American Illustration.
Norman Rockwell left the Saturday Evening Post in 1963 and his paintings took a more political turn.
He spent the last decade of his life creating works that dealt with issues such as civil rights and the fight against poverty.
From 1964 Rockwell went on to create work for LOOK Magazine.

Norman Rockwell | Picasso vs. Sargent, 1966 | National Museum of American Illustration

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Iban Barrenetxea, 1973 | Fantasy writer / illustrator

Iban Barrenetxea is a Spanish graphic designer and writer.
Iban lets his imagination run lose in his work, and creates hilarious and fantastic scenes overflowing with unique details and characters.
Iban Barrenetxea is one of the most internationally-acclaimed illustrators and authors in the field of children’s and young adult literature in Spain.
He has received numerous awards and has exhibited in Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portugal and Japan and his books have been translated into several languages: French, Russian, Japanese and Korean.

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Pellizza da Volpedo | Spring Idyll / Girotondo, 1906

"Spring Idyll" is an oil on canvas created in 1906 by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo (Italian Neo-Impressionist painter, 1868-1907).
The painting, measuring Ø 101 cm, is part of the collection of the GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Milan.
This is the second version - left incomplete by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo and then finished by the painter Angelo Barabino (1883-1950) - of another canvas that was long considered lost and then reappeared for auction at Sotheby's in London in 1980, having been kept in a private collection in England for almost 40 years.

Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo | Idillio campestre nei prati della pieve a Volpedo (Il girotondo), 1906 | GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano

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Sibilla Aleramo | Son tanto brava / I'm so good..

Sibilla Aleramo (born Marta Felicina Faccio; 14 August 1876 - 13 January 1960) was an Italian feminist writer and poet known for her autobiographical depictions of life as a woman in late 19th century Italy.

I am so good all day long.
I understand, I accept, I do not weep.
I almost learn to be proud as if I were a man.
But, at the first quiver of violet in the sky
all daytime strength vanishes.

Man Ray | A l'heure de l'observatoire, les Amoureux, 1970

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Giuseppe Molteni | Romantic painter

Giuseppe Molteni (1800-1867) was an Italian painter.
Forced to abandon his studies at the Brera Academy for financial reasons, Molteni took up the restoration of ancient paintings as a pupil of Giuseppe Guizzardi in Bologna.
On his return to Milan, he soon became one of the most sought-after restorers of the day, a consultant to the Louvre and the British Museum as well as the leading collectors and connoisseurs in Milan and Europe as a whole.

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Come fare per riattivare l'account disattivato da Facebook

Le cause della disabilitazione del nostro profilo Facebook, in sostanza sono:

• Pubblicazione di contenuti che non rispettano i Standard della community di FB.
• Rappresentazione fuorviante della personale identità con l'obiettivo di ingannare o raggirare altre persone, sfuggire alla legge o violare i Standard della community di FB.
• Contatti con altre persone a scopo di intimidazione, pubblicità, promozione od altra condotta non consentita.
• L'eccessiva attività, vale a dire, l'utilizzo di una funzione ripetutamente in un breve lasso di tempo, come le continue richieste di amicizia per aumentare il numero degli amici, e le continue condivisioni nelle bacheche degli amici.

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Tetsuya Ishida | Surrealist painter

Tetsuya Ishida / 石田 徹也 (1973-2005) was a Japanese painter, best known for his surreal portrayal of an ordinary Japanese life.
He was born in Yaizu, Shizuoka, as the youngest of four sons.
His father was a member of parliament and his mother, a housewife.
He attended Yaizu Central High School until his graduation in 1992.
Ishida stated in interviews that it was during this period that his parents, and his principal, applied pressure on him to thrive academically well enough to develop a teaching or chemist career.

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Heinz Geilfus | Repairing Hearts

Heinz Geilfus (born Johannes Karl Heinrich Geilfus on November 25, 1890 in Gießen - died January 25, 1956 in Bad Nauheim) was a German commercial artist, cartoonist and hunting painter.
Johannes Karl Heinrich "Heinz" Geilfus was born in late November 1890 as the son of the justice secretary Otto Geilfus and his wife Minna (née Rühl) in Gießen.
He grew up with his younger brother August and attended secondary school in Gießen.
He then completed a commercial apprenticeship and training as a technical draftsman.

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Joseph Christian Leyendecker | Art Nouveau illustrator

German-American illustrator Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874-1951) was one of the most prominent and financially successful freelance commercial artists in the U.S.
He was active between 1895 and 1951 producing drawings and paintings for hundreds of posters, books, advertisements, and magazine covers and stories.
He is best known for his 80 covers for Collier's Weekly, 322 covers for The Saturday Evening Post, and advertising illustrations for B. Kuppenheimer men's clothing and Arrow brand shirts and detachable collars.
He was one of the few known reportedly gay artists working in the early-twentieth century U.S.

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Elenco dei 426 articoli pubblicati da Tutt'Art@ durante il 2024

Questa raccolta inizia con l'ultimo articolo del 2024: "When was it decided that January 1st is the new year?" / "Quando è stato deciso che il 1° gennaio diventasse il primo giorno dell'anno?", pubblicato il 31 Dicembre 2024 e finisce con l'articolo dedicato al pittore impressionista Olandese René Jansen (1956-2022).

When was it decided that January 1st is the new year? 2024-12-31
Kike Meana, 1969 | Figurative painter 2024-12-29
Marlène Dietrich and Édith Piaf 2024-12-29
Vincent Van Gogh | Butterflies series2024-12-28

José Luis Corella, 1959 | Classical realism painter

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Gian Lorenzo Bernini | David, 1623-1624

David is one of the four sculptures executed by the young Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) for Cardinal Scipione Borghese.
The artist worked on the statuary groups for the Villa on the Pincio for seven crucial years during which his brilliance, freedom, narrative bent, and delight in amazement blossomed and then developed in all their power.
The work had been commissioned from Bernini by Cardinal Montalto for his villa in 1623.
The cardinal’s untimely death blocked the commission, but Scipione Borghese decided to take it over.
Bernini interrupted his work on the Apollo and Daphne, dedicating himself to this new sculpture, which - according to Baldinucci, one of the artist’s first biographers - he finished in only seven months of work.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini | David, 1623-1624 | Galleria Borghese

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Janice Darr Cua | Ladies and horses

Whether exercising her powers to capture the spirit of Arabians, the romance of the Renaissance, classic sensuality of femininity, or the universal bond between mother and child, Janice Darr Cua delivers striking depth and passion.
Paintings that radiate a glow that mesmerizes the viewer, a comforting warmth which evokes the passion within all.
Her work can be seen in select galleries around the world, with over thirty sell-out shows abroad as well as dozens of American exhibitions.
Cua is a sure stock, an intelligent investment as her popularity, technique, and price point increases in favor.

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Rembrandt van Rijn | Woman with a Pink, early 1660

Her forehead crisscrossed with jewels, the sitter of this portrait displays a pink, or carnation, a symbol of love and marriage.
The gilt picture frame visible in the background locates her in a luxurious interior, but her pensive expression elevates the portrait beyond a mere statement of status.
If scholars are correct in identifying the sitter in the pendant portrait hanging next to this one as auctioneer Pieter Haringh, then the woman who appears here must be his wife, Elisabeth Delft. | Source: © Metropolitan Museum of Art

Rembrandt | Woman with a Pink, early 1660s | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Beethoven | Heiligenstadt Testament, 1802

Il Testamento di Heiligenstadt è una lettera manoscritta del musicista tedesco Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) indirizzata ai suoi fratelli Kaspar Karl e Nikolaus Johann, scritta il 6 ottobre 1802 a Heiligenstadt, un sobborgo di Vienna, dove il compositore aveva la residenza.
A soli 32 anni, Beethoven intuisce che la sua sordità sarà irreversibile.
I primi sintomi erano stati già individuati dal grande compositore tedesco nel 1796, cioè a 26 anni.

Joseph Karl Stieler | Beethoven with the Manuscript of the Missa Solemnis, 1820

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Rembrandt's 'recipe for a stopping-out varnish'

Rembrandt's 'recipe for a stopping-out varnish' on the verso of a drawing 'Landcape with a River and Trees', 1654-55.

"..in order to etch, take white turpentine oil, and add half the turpentine to it; pour the mixture into a small glass bottle and let it boil in pure water for half an hour".

It is evident that Rembrandt refers (alas fragmentarily) to a so-called 'stopping-out varnish', used to terminate the bite of acid in select areas of a plate that had already been exposed to the etching agent.
Thus other portions will remain exposed to the acid to deepen the bite.

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Seven Colours of the Rainbow

A rainbow is an optical phenomenon caused by refraction, internal reflection and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a continuous spectrum of light appearing in the sky.
The rainbow takes the form of a multicoloured circular arc.
Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the Sun.
Rainbows can be caused by many forms of airborne water.
These include not only rain, but also mist, spray, and airborne dew.

Jean-Léon Gérôme | La République, 1848 | Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Petit Palais

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Eastman Johnson | Co-founder of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Eastman Johnson (1824-1906) was an American painter and Co-Founder of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, with his name inscribed at its entrance.
Best known for his Genre paintings, paintings of scenes from everyday life, and his portraits both of everyday people, he also painted portraits of prominent Americans such as Abraham Lincoln, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
His later works often show the influence of the 17th-century Dutch masters whom he studied while living in The Hague, and he was even known as The American Rembrandt in his day.

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Francois Fressinier, 1968 | Figurative painter

Born in Cognac, France to scholarly portrait photographer parents with an affinity for aesthetics, it was fitting that modern figurative artist, François Fressinier, would develop a unique, enchanting style.
His father's admiration for the works of the Old Masters and his exposure to some of the world's most historic places, along with France's Gallo-Roman ruins and Gothic churches inclined François to explore and create figurative, symbolic artwork.
In addition, his education at the Ecole Brassart in Tours afforded him the opportunity to study the drawings and paintings of old and new masters.

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Eberhard Keil | Pupil of Rembrandt

Eberhard Keil or Keyl dit Monsù Bernardo (1624-1687) was a Danish Baroque painter who became a pupil of Rembrandt.
Keil was born in Helsingør.
According to the RKD he was a pupil of the Danish painter Morten Steenwinkel, who became a pupil of Rembrandt in Amsterdam in the years 1642-1644.

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Guy Hoff (1889-1962)

Born in Rochester, New York and trained at the Art School of the Albright Gallery in Buffalo and the Art Students League in New York City, Guy Hoff (1889-1962) is known for his cover pages for The Saturday Evening Post, McCall's and Ladies Home, among others, which often star young, beautiful women.
Guy Hoff is among the American painters who also used their talent to design illustrations for books, magazines and newspapers during the so-called 'Golden Age of American Illustration'.

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Konstantin Razumov, 1974 | Children's world

Konstantín Rázumov (Константин Разумов) is a Russian painter with a realistic-impressionistic tendency.
He began his studies in art and painting in the studio Ilyá Glazunov at the Academy of Fine Arts in Moscow.
Razúmov is faithful to early Impressionism; however, he adds some modern touches, which are most evident in his beautiful, charming, soft and sensual figures.

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Giovanni Boldini | Treccia bionda / Blonde Braid, 1891

Giovanni Boldini | Blond Braid, 1891

Based on its messy and impulsive pictorial style, "Treccia bionda" is generally dated to the beginning of the 1890s, by which point Giovanni Boldini (1842 -1931) had already moved to Paris.
In addition to serving as an example of Impressionist painting from that time, the faintness of the strokes showcases an in-depth knowledge of Frans Hals' chiaroscuro technique; it seems that Boldini may have become close with him during a trip to Amsterdam in 1876.
Unlike many of the artist's female portraits, in which the entire figure functions as a means of showcasing all the details of the protagonists' elegant and elaborate dresses, this painting limits the appearance of the figure to the bust.

Giovanni Boldini | Treccia bionda, 1891 (detail) | GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano

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Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera | My night / La mia notte, 1939

Lettera di Frida Kahlo Diego Rivera,
Città del Messico, 12 settembre 1939
Mai spedita!

La mia notte mi strema.
Sa bene che mi manchi e tutta la sua oscurità non basta a nascondere quest’evidenza che brilla come una lama nel buio, la mia notte vorrebbe avere ali per volare fino a te, avvolgerti nel sonno e ricondurti a me.
Nel sonno mi sentiresti vicina e senza risvegliarti le tue braccia mi stringerebbero.
La mia notte non porta consiglio.
La mia notte pensa a te, come un sogno a occhi aperti.
La mia notte si intristisce e si perde.

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David Tutwiler, 1952 | American Railroad Art

Renowned for his firsthand knowledge of Trains and Railroads, David Tutwiler is considered to be one of the leading experts of Railroad Art in the United States today.
His artistic technique, coupled with his eye for accuracy and attention to detail, result in paintings that evoke the warmth and timelessness of his subjects.
David’s commission clients have included MBNA Bank, the Pepsi-Cola Company, National Geographic, the Hamilton Plate Collection and the National Railway Historical Society.

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Giulio Da Vicchio | Post Macchiaioli painter

Giulio Rontini Da Vicchio (Vicchio di Mugello, 1925 - Livorno, 2004) was a renowned painter who mainly exhibited in Italy but also in Paris and Toronto.
He was the last representative of the Post-Macchiaioli painters.
He was considered the greatest representative of the Livorno painting of the late twentieth century.
Giulio Rontini was the son of the painter Ferruccio Rontini (1893-1964) and takes the stage name Da Vicchio to distinguish himself from his father.

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Skagen painters | Art History and Sitemap

The Skagen Painters (Danish: Skagensmalerne) were a group of Scandinavian artists who gathered in the village of Skagen, the northernmost part of Denmark, from the late 1870s until the turn of the century.
Skagen was a summer destination whose scenic nature, local milieu and social community attracted northern artists to paint en plein air, emulating the French Impressionists - though members of the Skagen colony were also influenced by Realist movements such as the Barbizon school.
They broke away from the rather rigid traditions of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, espousing the latest trends that they had learned in Paris.

Peder Severin Krøyer | Summer Evening at Skagen Beach - The Artist and his Wife, 1899 | Hirschsprung Collection