Sarah Jarrett is a collage artist and illustrator based in Norfolk, UK.
She is fascinated and inspired by the human relationship with nature and the natural world.
She loves plants, flowers, and color.
Jarrett's ladies are frequently surrounded by flowers, birds and branches, which gives them a lovely surrealistic impression.
A prolific book cover artist, she has been widely published throughout her long career from prints to stationery to packaging.
She loves making bread and kombucha in her spare time, and has two grown up children.
Artist statement
"I define myself as a Collage Artist.
I use digital and analog processes working in a variety of media.
The main thread running through all my images is the human relationship with nature and the natural world.
I am particularly interested in flowers and plants as metaphors".
"My digital works are ethereal and dreamlike with an otherworldly aesthetic.
I am particularly interested in flowers and plants as metaphors.
I hope to transport my viewers to a world that is enchanting and mysterious.
Soft, muted colours lend a dreamlike feel to my work.
The most important part of my creative process is in making images that have a unique emotional resonance with my audience.
My work has been commissioned and published globally in books, advertising, magazines, product design, games and puzzles, cards and stationary.
I exhibit each year in international exhibitions, in 2023 showing my work in India, London, Norway and Germany".
Sarah Jarrett è un'artista di collage ed illustratrice con sede a Norfolk, Regno Unito.
È affascinata ed ispirata dal rapporto umano con la natura ed il mondo naturale.
Ama le piante, i fiori ed i colori.
Le donne della Jarrett sono spesso circondate da fiori, uccelli e rami, il che conferisce loro una deliziosa impressione surreale.
Una prolifica artista di copertine di libri, è stata ampiamente pubblicata nel corso della sua lunga carriera, dalle stampe alla cancelleria al packaging.
Ama fare pane e kombucha nel tempo libero e ha due figli adulti.
"Mi definisco un artista del collage", dichiara l'artista.
"Utilizzo processi digitali ed analogici lavorando su una varietà di media.
Il filo conduttore che attraversa tutte le mie immagini è il rapporto umano con la natura ed il mondo naturale.
Sono particolarmente interessata ai fiori ed alle piante come metafore".