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Nydia Lozano, 1947 | Ladies with flowers

Nydia Lozano felt from a very young age, to her town of Alginet, the inclination to capture on paper her impressions of the countryside and the towns of Valencia.
His church towers and family faces interested Jose Espert, the first person to tell him what painting was and probably the only one who could talk to him about painters like Sargent in the early sixties.
He saw that Nydia’s path was already drawn and helped her follow him.

The first important step was to enroll in the Superior School of Fine Arts of San Carlos de Valencia in 1965.
During these five courses he exhibited for the first time, enjoyed a scholarship in Rome and several awards confirmed his vocation; and, between the prosaic classes and the sun of the old cloister of the School, she knew who her husband is, the painter Leopoldo Sánchez.

They both moved to Barcelona, at a time when Nydia’s paintings suggested a reality, between the abstract and the dreamed, of distant, essential, immobile landscapes.
But soon the mute talk of his landscapes protected with his words the feminine figure, which is today the center of his work.

A work in which he tries to transcend the appearance of everything that is alive: the skin, the plants, the fabrics, the light on the wall, the cadence of a hand on the chest.
But without being noticed, without a line to mark the change, because the look walks with the order and peace that Nydia wants to life.

Lydia Lozano è nata in Alginet, una piccola località di Ribera in Valencia, Spagna.
Le prime opere di Nydia erano paesaggi raffiguranti Alginet.
Quando suo padre si accorse del suo interesse per la pittura, si rivolse al maestro pittore algerino José Espert per avere da lui una valutazione del talento di sua figlia.
Espert ne fu colpito ed invitò José Lozano a portare la figlia nel suo atelier.

Nydia trascorse molte ore a guardare la tele del maestro e ad ascoltare le sue opinioni sulla pittura.
Ha imparato molto più di una tecnica; ha imparato il modo di guardare e di capire: ha imparato il concetto della sintesi pittorica dai maestri del XIX secolo.
Nel 1965, Nydia Lozano entra nella Scuola di Belle Arti di Valencia, dove ha incontrato suo marito, il pittore Leopoldo Sánchez.

Tra i loro professori c'erano due grandi figure della pittura valenzana del dopoguerra: Genaro Lahuerta e Francisco Lozano.
Durante questi anni, Nydia e Leopoldo entrano a contatto con l'avanguardia artistica: Equipo Crónica, José Iturralde, Eusebio Sempere, Fernando Zobel, Gustavo Torner, etc.