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Mary Sauer, 1986 | Figurative painter

Painter Mary Sauer was born in Greenville, Kentucky. Her work has been exhibited throughout the United States including over a dozen shows in New York City alone.
Mary is a 2014 recipient of The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant for traditional figure painting and winner of the 2014 Director’s Award at the Springville Museum of Art’s annual Spring Salon.
Mary's art is influenced by nineteenth century painting including John Singer Sargent, the Pre-Raphealites, and the French Academics as well as contemporary realist academic painting and fashion photography.

Her philosophy is to combine the nineteenth century techniques of painting with more modern conceptual ideas, especially regarding how we present ourselves to the world psychologically.
Her work has been featured on the cover of American Art Collector Magazine, in the annual, "21 Under 31", feature in Southwest Art Magazine, and in feature articles in both International Artist Magazine and the April 2014 issue of The Artists Magazine.
Her painting, 'Anna' was awarded Best in Show at the 2012 Portrait Society of America International Portrait Competition, for which she was again a finalist in 2013.

Her education includes a BFA in Illustration from Brigham Young University in 2009, further studies at The Art Student's League of New York and The Grand Central Academy of Art, and an MFA from The University of Utah. For two years she apprenticed in the studio of master painter William Whitaker.
She has served as an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University teaching advanced life drawing, at the University of Utah teaching painting and drawing, and currently at Utah Valley University where she teaches the Painting the Human Head(portrait painting) class.

Her work is in a number of permanent collections including those of the Springville Museum of Art and the LDS Church History Museum.
She maintains an active portrait career and is represented by Sloane Merrill Gallery in Boston, Anthony's Fine Art in Salt Lake City, and Meyer Gallery in Park City, UT.
She currently resides near Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband David, an operatic tenor, and their daughter Scarlett.

La pittrice Mary Sauer è nata a Greenville, Kentucky. Il suo lavoro è stato esposto in tutti gli Stati Uniti, comprese più di una dozzina di mostre a New York City.
Nel 2014 ha ricevuto la borsa di studio della Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation per la pittura di figura tradizionale e nello stesso anno ha vinto il Director's Award all'annuale Spring Salon dello Springville Museum of Art.

L'arte della Sauer trae influenze dalla pittura del 19° secolo, tra cui John Singer Sargent, i Preraffaelliti e gli accademici francesi, così come la pittura accademica realista contemporanea e la fotografia di moda.
La sua filosofia è quella di combinare le tecniche della pittura del 19° secolo con le idee concettuali più moderne, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il modo in cui ci presentiamo psicologicamente al mondo.
Tra le sue opere possiamo notare ritratti, ma anche ambientazioni diverse, soprattutto parti della casa, come cucine, bagni e stanze che non mancano di nessun tipo di dettaglio.

La sua formazione include un BFA in Illustrazione presso la Brigham Young University nel 2009, ulteriori studi presso The Art Student's League of New York e The Grand Central Academy of Art ed un MFA presso The University of Utah.
Per due anni ha fatto l'apprendistato nello studio del maestro pittore William Whitaker.

Ha lavorato come docente aggiunto presso la Brigham Young University insegnando disegno dal vero avanzato, presso l'Università dello Utah, insegnando pittura e disegno ed, attualmente presso l'Utah Valley University, dove insegna il corso Painting the Human Head (ritratto).