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Hugo Salmson | Genre painter

Born in Stockholm, Hugo Fredrik Salmson (1843-1894) was a Swedish painter, known for figures and genre scenes.
He was the son of Fredrik Ludvig Salmson, a wholesaler, and his wife Maria Perlberg.
He initially studied business, but soon decided on an artistic career.
In 1862, he began his studies at the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts where he was trained by Johan Christoffer Boklund.

His painting of Sten Sture the Younger meeting Gustav Trolle in Uppsala Cathedral (1867) won him a Royal Medal and a travelling scholarship.
In 1868, he went to Paris, via Düsseldorf. The classes taught by Léon Bonnat and Alexandre Cabanel had no vacancies, so he took private lessons from Pierre-Charles Comte.

He had his début at the Salon in 1870 with a genre scene of a cottage in Dalarna titled Révélation.
During the Franco-Prussian War, he lived and worked in Brussels.
He maintained a studio in Paris until the early 1880s and often visited Picardy.

From 1883, Salmson usually spent the summers at Dalby in Skåne.
Upon returning to Sweden, he became a member of the Royal Academy and gave lessons to Prince Eugen, but later joined a group opposed to the Academy's teaching methods (Opponenterna).
In addition to the Paris Salon, he participated in a number of the Academy's exhibitions in Stockholm in (1886-1888), the World Exhibition in (1878), the Exposition Universelle (1889) in Paris, the Nordic Exhibition of 1888 in Copenhagen, Forers exhibition at Charlottenborg Palace (1879), the Art Exhibition in Gothenburg (1881), as well as Swedish Association of Artists' (Konstnärsförbundet) exhibitions in Stockholm and Gothenburg in (1886).

During his last years, Salmson mainly painted portraits in oil or pastel.
He was frequently reclusive, uncommunicative and suffered from depression.

He died in 1894 while staying at a hotel in Lund.
Salmson is represented at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Gothenburg Art Museum, Malmö Art Museum, Prince Eugens Waldemarsudde, Lund University, Musée de Picardie, Musée d'Orsay, Musée des Beaux-Arts in Nantes, Bergen City Museum and Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. | Source: © Wikipedia

Hugo Fredrik Salmson (1843-1894) è stato un pittore Svedese.
Nel 1868 si recò a Parigi. Le classi tenute da Léon Bonnat ed Alexandre Cabanel non avevano posti vacanti, quindi prese lezioni private da Pierre-Charles Comte.
Guadagnò la sua importanza per l'arte svedese perché è stato il primo a presentare ai suoi connazionali il programma della pittura moderna francese di valore degli anni '70 e '80 dell'Ottocento e ha portato con sé in patria la tecnica più sviluppata.

Oltre al Salon di Parigi, partecipò a numerose mostre dell'Accademia d'arte a Stoccolma 1886-1888, all'Esposizione mondiale 1878, all'Esposizione mondiale 1889, alle mostre d'arte nordica a Copenaghen 1872, 1883 e 1888, al Foraarsudstillingen a Charlottenborg 1879, l'Esposizione d'arte a Göteborg nel 1881, la mostra Dalle rive della Senna a Stoccolma nel 1885, le mostre Konstnärsförbundets a Stoccolma e Göteborg nel 1886.
Fu rappresentato con circa 20 opere alla mostra Opponenterna del 1885 che fu esposta al Museo Nazionale nel 1945 e nel 1962 una mostra più piccola del suo lavoro fu allestita al Waldemarsudde del principe Eugenio.

Divenne membro dell'Accademia nel 1880 e partecipò al movimento di opposizione dove nel 1885 fu eletto presidente della fazione parigina dell'Unione degli Artisti e nello stesso anno fu eletto alla Société National des Artistes francese.
La sua arte consiste principalmente nella pittura di figura, ma ha eseguito anche dipinti storici, oltre ad alcuni ritratti ed alcune raffigurazioni di paesaggi, dove rivela un sentimento colorista piuttosto distinto. | Fonte: © Swedish Wikipedia