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Kazuhiko Fukuōji, 1955

Born in Mitaka City, Tokyo, Japanese artist Kazuhiko Fukuōji (福王寺一彦) as the second son of the painter Horin Fukuoji (1920-2012).
After graduating from Seijo Gakuen High School in 1974, he was selected for the first time at the institute exhibition in 1978, and won the Nihon Bijutsuin Award and Grand Prize at the institute exhibition in 1987 and 1988.
In 1992, his institute exhibition work was purchased by the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

He received the Japan Art Academy Scholarship, Seison Maeda Award, the 1996 Institute Exhibition Minister's Award, the 1998 Institute Exhibition Prime Minister's Award, the 2001 Japan Art Academy Award, and the 2010 Art Academy member.

In 2012 he received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon.
Currently is a member of the Japan Art Academy, a member of the Japan Art Academy, a director of the Japan Art Academy, a representative director and chairman of the Japan Art Copyright Association (JASPAR).

Nato a Mitaka City, Tokyo, Kazuhiko Fukuōji è il secondo figlio del pittore Horin Fukuoji (1920-2012).
Dopo essersi diplomato alla Seijo Gakuen High School nel 1974, è stato selezionato per la prima volta alla mostra dell'istituto nel 1978 e ha vinto il Nihon Bijutsuin Award ed il Gran Premio alla mostra dell'istituto nel 1987 e nel 1988.
Nel 1992, il suo lavoro nella mostra dell'istituto è stato acquistato dall'Agenzia per gli Affari Culturali.

Ha ricevuto la borsa di studio della Japan Art Academy, il Seison Maeda Award, l'Institute Exhibition Minister's Award nel 1996, l'Institute Exhibition Prime Minister's Award nel 1998, il Japan Art Academy Award nel 2001 e il membro dell'Art Academy nel 2010.
Nel 2012 ha ricevuto la Medaglia con Nastro Blu Scuro.