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Dom Lay, 1994 | Conceptual artist

Dom Lay was born and raised in Fountain Valley, California and later moved to Irvine, California in the summer of 2000.
Growing up in a suburban environment as an only child, Dom has incorporated his influences and inspirations from movies, television, and entertainment media throughout his life, into his works today.
His passion for illustration, concept art, and storytelling landed him freelance experience while studying, both in community and private college.

"I'm a writer and artist.
Film and video games have been at the forefront of my life ever since I was young, and it brings me a deep sense of fulfillment, passion, and satisfaction.
I believe I'm very fortunate to be a part of this industry where I can explore and experiment with this medium, contributing to different ideas and genres by others.
I specialize in world building, illustration, and concept art.

In 2020 I finished the task of writing, concepting, and illustrating my very own artbook titled Journey to the East, which is a story set in a peculiar time of Orientalism and science fiction.
The project has spanned at least 3 years.
My main passion in the visual arts is storytelling.
I feel there is something captivating about drawing in my audience's emotions by the images I create.

Nothing beats the power of great, moving stories.
Some of the other facets of life I enjoy doing include video games, reading, writing, calisthenics, jumproping, talking and collaborating with good friends, spending quality time with family, and maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle through time off and good sleep".

Dom Lay è nato e cresciuto a Fountain Valley, in California, per poi trasferirsi adIrvine, in California, nell'estate del 2000.
Cresciuto in un ambiente suburbano come figlio unico, Dom ha incorporato le sue influenze e ispirazioni provenienti da film, televisione e media di intrattenimento per tutta la sua vita, nelle sue opere di oggi.
La sua passione per l'illustrazione, la concept art e la narrazione gli è valso un'esperienza freelance durante gli studi, sia in comunità che in college privati.