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Helga Stentzel | Household Surrealism

Helga Stentzel is a Russian-born visual artist, known for her "household surrealism" series which uses clothing, kitchen utensils, books, bread, and more to create characters and scenes.
She works across a wide range of media including illustration, photography, video and stop motion animation.

Early life and education

Stentzel was born in Siberia, Russia.
She studied at the Omsk State Institute of Technology and was awarded a BA in Graphic Design and Advertising from Central Saint Martins.
She began her career as an art director in the advertising industry.


Stentzel is known for her use of household objects in her art, particularly food and laundry.
She credits "simplicity", "day-to-day activities" and "observation without expectations" as key inspirations for her work.
In 2021 her works entitled Pegasus and Smoothie, a horse and a cow styled from laundry on a washing line, attracted international media coverage from outlets including El Colombiano, The Chosun Ilbo and Colossal.


In 2020, Stentzel won Snackable Content Awards "Food Art Creator of the Year".

Helga Stentzel è un'artista visiva di origine Russa, nota per la sua serie di "surrealismo domestico" che utilizza vestiti, utensili da cucina, libri, pane ed altro per creare personaggi e scene.
Lavora con una vasta gamma di media tra cui illustrazione, fotografia, video ed animazione in stop motion.
Stentzel è nota per l'uso di oggetti domestici nella sua arte, in particolare cibo e bucato.
Lei attribuisce alla "semplicità", alle "attività quotidiane" ed all'"osservazione senza aspettative" le principali ispirazioni per il suo lavoro.