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Vladimir Majakovskij e Maria Denisova, un Amore disperato

La storia del poema "La nuvola in calzoni" / "Облако в штанах" è collegata all'amore tormentato e non corrisposto del poeta Russo Vladimir Majakovskij (1893-1930) per la scultrice monumentale Russa, Maria Alexandrovna Denisova (1894-1944).
I due si incontrarono nel 1914 ad Odessa, durante il viaggio dei futuristi del 1913.
"La nuvola" è il capolavoro della stagione "prerivoluzionaria" di Majakovskij, uno dei testi più significativi del futurismo russo e della letteratura russa del Novecento.

Composto tra il 1914-1915 da un Majakovskij poco più che ventenne, il poemetto trabocca di una forza lirica tesa, appassionata, che vuole essere dissacrante, antiborghese, antifilistea, ed è soprattutto intensamente libertaria.
Majakovskij vuol portare dentro l'arte della parola la carica dirompente di una visione nuova o rinnovata della realtà, dei sentimenti, dell'idea stessa della poesia e della scrittura.

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Tariq Ismail Abbasi | | AI Art inspired by van Gogh

Pakistani artist Tariq Ismail Abbasi: "I am fascinated by the intersection of art and technology.
I love the idea of using machines to create new and innovative forms of art.
I believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize the way that art is created and consumed.
I'm excited to see what the future holds for AI art, and I'm proud to be a part of this movement".

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Alexander Pushkin | Vi ho amata / I Loved You / Я вас любил, 1829

Io vi ho amato: l'amore ancora, forse,
nella mia anima non si è del tutto spento;
Ma non lasciare che vi disturbi più;
Non voglio rattristarvi con niente.

Io vi ho amato silenziosamente, senza speranza,
ora con timidezza, ora con gelosia.
Vi ho amato così sinceramente, così teneramente,
Come che v'ami un altro il ciel vi dia.

Woldemar Hau (1816-1895) | Portrait of Natalia Nikolayevna Pushkina-Lanskaya (Wife of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin), 1849

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Jihad Shadeed | AI Art

Jihad Shadeed is an artist with digital sculpture expertise.
Shadeed incorporates Artificial Intelligence in her creative process.
Artificial intelligence has amazed people with its ability to create detailed images of what you ask for in seconds.

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Alexander Pushkin | Eugene Onegin and Tatyana's Love story

"Eugene Onegin" / "Евгеній Онѣгинъ" is a novel in verse written by Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), Russian poet, playwright and novelist of the Romantic era, considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
Onegin is considered a classic of Russian literature, and its eponymous protagonist has served as the model for a number of Russian literary heroes (so-called superfluous men).
It was published in serial form between 1825-1832.

Rafał Olbinski | Eugene Onegin

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Alda Merini | Rosa di maggio

L’alba si è fatta
profumo di rose.

Rosa di maggio,
abbarbicata sul muro vetusto;
affresco di vita
corroso dagli scherni del tempo.

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Asako Eguchi, 1952 | Children's Illustrator

Asako Eguchi / 江口あさ子 an incredibly talented artist, dotted with magic, has given us many illustrations that make us dream.
A beautiful world where people, animals, and plants all harmonize and resonate together.
Born in Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture, artist Asako Eguchi graduated from the Tokyo Designer Academy in 1973.
She is conducting a method of overlapping the watercolor and drying them in order to present a fantasy world.

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Vincent van Gogh | The Poor and Money, 1882

'Drawing For National Lottery Today' - says the sign on the wall.
Many people have showed up for the event. Vincent wrote to his brother Theo that he saw this scene on a rainy day in The Hague.
He was moved by the vain hope of these shabbily dressed 'poor souls'.
Would the hard-earned money they spent on lottery tickets gain them anything at all?

Vincent van Gogh | The Poor and Money, 1882 (chalk, watercolour, pen and ink, on paper) | Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

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Ginevra Cantofoli | Baroque painter

Ginevra Cantofoli (1618-1672) was an Italian painter.
She was active in Bologna in the Baroque period.
Cantofoli was born in Bologna, Italy in 1618.
She trained under Giovanni Andrea Sirani, the father of Elisabetta Sirani, in Bologna.

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Serdar Özdemir

Turkish digital artist Serdar Özdemir uses Adobe Illustrator and Midjourney, Artificial Intelligence to create genre scenes and events from everyday life.
Özdemir posts his work on Instagram, where he has built up a good following of admirers.

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Mao Zedong | Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom! / Lascia che mille fiori sboccino!

The Hundred Flowers Campaign, also termed the Hundred Flowers Movement (Chinese: 百花齐放), was a period from 1956-1957 in the People's Republic of China during which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) encouraged citizens to openly express their opinions of the Communist Party.
Following the failure of the campaign, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong conducted an ideological crackdown on those who criticized the party, which continued through 1959.
During the campaign, differing views and solutions to national policy were encouraged based on the famous expression by Mao:
"The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is designed to promote the flourishing of the arts and the progress of science".

Anselm Kiefer | Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom, 2000 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Carlotta Edwards | Ballet dancers

Carlotta Edwards (1894-1977) was the daughter of the French painter Ferdinand Pourrier. She is well know for her paintings of ballet scenes and exhibited at both the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and the Paris Salon.
The Medici Society published many pints of her work and these are still widely available.
In the 1950's framed copies of Carlotta Edward's prints were very popular.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Del sole che illumina la foresta

Trattato della Pittura
Parte sesta | Capitoli 868-893

868. Dell'oscurità dell'albero.
869. Degli alberi.
870. Degli alberi posti sotto l'occhio.
871. Delle cime sparse degli alberi.
872. Delle remozioni delle campagne.
873. Dell'azzurro che acquistano gli alberi remoti.

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Steve Cosentino | Plein Air painter

American painter Steve Cosentino was born in New York City, the place where he continues to call home.
Steven studied at the Art Students League with Rudolf Baranik and went on to teach at the League in the early 1990s.
- "As a child I lived in a building much like the ones depicted in these paintings".

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Vincent van Gogh | Pietà (after Delacroix), 1889

Van Gogh based his Pietà on a lithograph of a painting by Eugène Delacroix.
This image of the Virgin Mary mourning the dead Christ is, however, more a variation on the original work than a copy.
Van Gogh has taken Delacroix’s theme and composition and added his own colour and personal signature.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Del verde delle foglie

Trattato della Pittura
Parte sesta | Capitoli 841-867

841. Del centro degli alberi nella loro grossezza.
842. Qual pianta cresce nelle selve di piú continuata grossezza ed in maggiore altezza.
843. Qual pianta è di grossezza piú disforme e di minore altezza e piú dura.
844. Delle piante e legnami segati i quali mai per sé si piegheranno.
845. Delle aste che piú si mantengono diritte.
846. Delle crepature de' legni quando si seccano.
847. De' legni che non si scoppiano nel seccarsi.

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Leonardo da Vinci | De' paesi in pittura

Trattato della Pittura
Parte sesta | Capitoli 894-916

894. Delle erbe de' prati.
895. Dell'ombra della verdura.
896. De' paesi in pittura.
897. Perché le ombre de' rami fronzuti non si dimostrano potenti vicino alle loro parti luminose come nelle parti opposite.
898. Qual parte del ramo della pianta sarà piú oscura.
899. Della veduta degli alberi.
900. De' paesi.

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Edgar Degas | Repasseuses / Le Stiratrici, 1884-1886

Degas often made portraits of his family and friends but he was also an attentive observer of the working world in millinery workshops or laundries.
Only Daumier before him had taken an interest in washerwoman, who became one of Degas's favorite subjects between 1869-1895.
At first he painted single figures seen against the light, picked out sharply against the white linen.
Then, about 1884-1886, he dwelled more heavily on the subject, this time depicting two women in a laundry.

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Vishma Maharaj, 1984 | Le squisite opere di vetro colorato

Vishma Maharaj è un'artista multimediale Americana che segue i propri sogni, interpretandoli su carta, per mezzo della Intelligenza Artificiale.
- "Sono una viaggiatrice dell'anima che condivide la propria esperienza attraverso la mia visione e prospettiva.
Sono la ragazzina che correva lungo la riva del mare lanciando stelle marine ed esprimendo desideri... che un giorno creerò cose che le persone adorerebbero.
Quei piccoli semi ora sono ciò di cui sono fatte le piante dei miei sogni..."

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Vincent Van Gogh | The sowers series

Peasant imagery and especially that of the 'Sower' was something that Van Gogh turned to numerous times throughout his career.
His affiliation with this subject was partly as a response to the work of the romantic Realists such as Millet, and a reflection of his own socialist ideals.
The sower in particular was a figure that Van Gogh saw in terms of representing the eternal cycle of agricultural life, of honorable endeavor and tradition, and symbolized these qualities to the artist.

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Vincent van Gogh | Mountains at Saint-Rémy, 1889

"Always continue walking a lot and loving nature, for that's the real way to learn to understand art better and better.
Painters understand nature and love it, and teach us to see" 
- Vincent van Gogh's letter to his brother Theo, 1874.

Vincent van Gogh | Mountains at Saint-Rémy, 1889 | Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

During the years preceding his suicide in 1890, Vincent van Gogh suffered increasingly frequent attacks of mental distress, the cause of which remains unclear.
"Mountains at Saint-Rémy" was painted in July 1889, when Van Gogh was recovering from just such an episode at the hospital of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole in the southern French town of Saint-Rémy.

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Bruce Cohen, 1953

Bruce Cohen is known for engaging his viewers with intriguing interiors in his distinctive, crisp, realist style.
Influenced by Dutch still-life painting and Surrealism he orchestrates compositions which include fruit, books, vases and always flowers from his garden.
These items are placed in geometric interiors devoid of human beings but haunted by a human presence.

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Gustave Poetzsch | Belle Époque painter

Swiss painter of the Belle Époque, Gustave Poetzsch (1870-1950) was born in Neuchâtel where he started to learn painting very young.
Swiss mountains and lakes were the first inspiring influence for the young painter turned to nature.
As he wanted to improve his technique, he went to Paris in 1892 and joined the Julian Academy.
He entered the Fine Art School in 1895 and studied in the class of Gustave Moreau near Henri Matisse, Charles Camoin and Paul de Frick.

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Beata Sasik | The secret gardens

Beata Sasik is an oil painter in New Orleans.
- "I like to think about myself as an expressionist even though my style of work probably best fall into the category of Contemporary Impressionism.
Well, whatever it may be you can definitely call me a Colorist.
When I paint I am taken by the transcendental vibrant color and the contrast of light and dark that are the reflection of emotion and energy of the creative process".

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Charlie Chaplin | Live! / Vivi !

Ho perdonato errori quasi imperdonabili,
ho provato a sostituire persone insostituibili
e dimenticato persone indimenticabili.
Ho agito per impulso,
sono stato deluso dalle persone
che non pensavo lo potessero fare,
ma anch’io ho deluso.

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David Durall, 1970 | AI Art

David Durall using Artificial intelligence (AI) to share beauty with the world.
He studied at Eastern Illinois University, Southern Illinois at Carbondale.
"I got my masters in Art History my paper was on Bonnard and Vuillard and how the did for interiors what Monet and others did for outside scenes working in plein air, although Bonnard landscapes look like an opal exploded He, not Lautrec invented the French poster".
David Durall lives in Chicago, Illinois.

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Torsten Wolber, 1964 | Figurative painter

Torsten Wolber has been working as a freelance illustrator and illustrator teacher for digital painting for almost 30 years.
Wolber studied graphic design and illustration at Cologne University of Applied Sciences from 1987 to 1992.
In 2020 he has dedicated himself entirely to oil painting.
The artist focuses on portraits and figurative motifs, which he combines with spontaneous and fast plein air / open-air painting.

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Emily Dickinson | Che sia io la tua estate, 1858

Che sia io la tua estate
Quando l'estate sarà lontana!
E la tua musica, quando allodola
e pettirosso taceranno!

Joseph DeCamp | Farawell

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Pan’s Party, 1879

Pierre-Auguste Renoir painted this florid allegorical canvas, La fête de Pan, in the summer of 1879.
Commissioned to adorn the drawing room of the Bérard family’s country home, the Château de Wargemont, La fête de Pan depicts a spring festival devoted to the ancient Greek god, Pan - a rare example of a mythological subject in Renoir’s oeuvre.
This jubilant painting combines the artist’s careful observations of nature en plein air with his imaginative fantasies of beauty, both feminine and floral.

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Amedeo Modigliani | Jeune fille rousse (Jeanne Hébuterne), 1918

Jeanne Hébuterne (6 April 1898 - 26 January 1920) was a French artist, best known as the frequent subject and common-law wife of the artist Amedeo Clemente Modigliani. She took her own life two days after Modigliani died, and is now buried beside him.
Described by the writer Charles-Albert Cingria (1883-1954) as gentle, shy, quiet, and delicate, Jeanne Hébuterne became a principal subject for Modigliani's art.

Amedeo Modigliani | Jeune fille rousse (Jeanne Hébuterne), 1918 | Collezione Jonas Netter

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Tù.úk'z (Arthur Machado) | Digital dreams

"We were born inside the sea of information.
We are the children of tomorrow" - Arthur Machado aka Tù.úk'z.

Arthur Machado from the Eastern Amazon (BR) is the creator behid the digital entity: Tù.úk'z.
Since 2013 he has developed a series of audiovidual experiments that seek to establisha connection between the digital/virtual and out psychic senses.

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Frederick Arthur Bridgman | Il "Gérôme" americano

Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847-1928) è stato un pittore Statunitense.
Figlio di un medico, Bridgman divenne uno dei più noti e apprezzati pittori degli Stati Uniti, e fu conosciuto come uno dei più talentuosi pittori orientalisti.
La sua carriera cominciò lavorando come disegnatore a New York City per l'American Bank Note Company.
Negli stessi anni, 1864-1865, studiò arte alla Brooklyn Art Association ed alla National Academy of Design, poi partì per Parigi, nel 1866, dove si stabilì, divenendo l'anno successivo, allievo di Jean-Léon Gérôme all'École des Beaux-Arts.

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Tetyana Erhart, 1965

Тетяна Ерхарт is an internationally renowned professional Ukrainian photographer from Lviv, where she currently lives and works.
- "I started dealing with portrait photography when my children were born.
It was mid of the 1980s and I used a film camera.
There was a long pause in my photo career until the mid of the 2000s when I got my digital camera".

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William Small | Victorian painter

William Small (1843-1929) was a Scottish illustrator and artist.
His works are held by art galleries in Leicester, Liverpool, London and Manchester and his illustrations in noted periodicals including: Once a week, Good Words, the The Graphic and Harpers.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art describes him as being considered the most successful illustrator of his time.
His style is typically Victorian.

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Alice Havers | Genre painter

Alice Mary Celestine Havers, married name Alice Mary Morgan (1850-1890), was an British painter and illustrator.


Alice Mary Havers was the third daughter and youngest of four children born 19 May 1850 to Thomas Havers (1810-1870) of Thelton Hall, Thelveton, Norfolk, the family seat, and his first wife Ellen Ruding (1817-1854).

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Il Valzer | La danza proibita

Avvicinati al tuo partner, conta "Uno, due, tre, Uno, due, tre" nella tua testa e vai!

Anche se nel XVII e XVIII secolo, il valzer era considerato la radice di tutti i mali, si è fatto strada tra le élite ed è oggi il più popolare di tutti i balli da sala.
A causa della sua presa ravvicinata e delle rotazioni veloci, un tempo il valzer veniva chiamato la "danza proibita".

Camille Claudel | La Valse, 1891

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Andrew Tischler, 1983 | Realist painter

Australian painter Andrew Tischler enjoys a thriving art career in his chosen field of realism painting, capturing the magnificence of some of the world’s most harsh, beautiful and imposing landscapes such as the Kimberley, Pilbara, Murray River Region, Great Ocean Rd, Flinders Ranges and the USA.

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Alex Tabet, 1988 | Figurative painter

Born in San Antonio, Texas, Alex Tabet is predominantly a portrait, figure painter and an occasional still life painter.
As a young boy, Alex began exploring art by studying art books and taking online lessons.
In early 2019, he began studying figure painting from life in oil with Julia Diller at the Atelier of Fine Art, in Los Angeles.

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Tania Rivilis, 1986

Tania Rivilis, born in Ukraine, did not embark on her artistic journey until her move to Germany.
This shift, both geographical and personal, marked the beginning of an exploration that she started at the age of 27.
When Tania first set foot in Germany in 2012, little did she know her path would take her to global recognition.

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Helga Stentzel | Household Surrealism

Helga Stentzel is a Russian-born visual artist, known for her "household surrealism" series which uses clothing, kitchen utensils, books, bread, and more to create characters and scenes.
She works across a wide range of media including illustration, photography, video and stop motion animation.

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Maya Angelou / René Magritte | I know why the caged bird sings, 1969

The free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

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Kaoru Yamada | Illustratrice digitale / AI

Kaoru Yamada / 山田カオル è un artista nata a Kamakura, in Giappone.
Dopo la laurea, ha studiato in Francia per tre anni.
Tornata a casa, lavora come copywriter in una società di produzione pubblicitaria ed inizia l'attività come illustratrice freelance.
Dal 2023 esplora nuove forme di espressione che combinano l'Intelligenza Artificiale con la tecnologia digitale.

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Léon Cogniet | The massacre of the Innocents, 1824

The Massacre of the Innocents (Location: Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rennes.) is the biblical account of infanticide by Herod the Great, the Roman-appointed King of the Jews.

According to the Gospel of Matthew, Herod ordered the execution of all young male children in the vicinity of Bethlehem, so as to avoid the loss of his throne to a newborn King of the Jews whose birth had been announced to him by the Magi.
In typical Matthean style, it is understood as the fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy.

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Jeff Stanford, 1955

Photographer and artist and always ready to learn something new.
Studied Art at the University of the Arts In Philadelphia at the most exciting time at the end of the 1970s and begining of the 1980s in the city center.
Met so many amazing artists who have inspired me all my life.
Live now in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Victor Hugo | Ti Auguro / I wish you / Je te souhaite

Ti auguro in primo luogo di amare e che, amando, tu sia riamato.
E se non è così, che sia breve il ricordo, e finito il ricordo che tu non conservi rancore.
Ti auguro che non sia così,
ma se così fosse, che tu sappia vivere senza disperazione.

Vladimir Kush | Symphony of the Sun

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Ghiannis Ritsos | Moonlight sonata / Sonata al chiaro di luna, 1956

Jeremy Mann

A spring evening.
A large room in an old house. A woman of a certain age, dressed in black, is speaking to a young man. They have not turned on the lights.
Through both windows the moonlight shines relentlessly.
I forgot to mention that the Woman in Black has published two or three interesting volume of poetry with a religious flavor.
So, the Woman in Black is speaking to the Young Man:

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Bernard Buffet | Expressionist painter

Bernard Buffet (1928-1999) was a French painter of Expressionism and a member of the anti-abstract art group L'homme Témoin (the Witness-Man).
Bernard Buffet represents a typical demonstration of the divorce between the French and Contemporary Art.
Popular artist by excellence, Bernard Buffet loved by the public is however detested by elitists whom hold against him his prolixity: 8,000 paintings, water colors,drawings, lithographs and engravings.

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Picasso and the still life

For Picasso, life in all its forms - its tragedies, joys, and banalities; his great loves and his children; the people, places and events that shaped him - fed his insatiable need to create.
Consequently, every one of his works is deeply autobiographical - a reflection of a time, emotion or state of mind.
Just as a portrait by the artist is never just a straightforward depiction of a sitter, so a still life is never solely a meaningless assortment of objects.

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Eraclito: "Il carattere di un uomo è il suo destino"

"L'armonia invisibile è una sfera perfetta e incontaminata. Quella visibile, invece, si deforma continuamente sotto il peso della realtà…"

"L'apprendere molte cose non insegna l'intelligenza.."

Raphael | The School of Athens, 1509-1511 | Heraclitus, detail | Stanze di Raffaello, Vatican
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Anthony De Mello | L'Aquila che si crede un Pollo / The Eagle who thought he was a Chicken

Un uomo trovò un uovo d'aquila e lo mise nel nido di una chioccia.
L'uovo si schiuse contemporaneamente a quelli della covata e l'aquilotto crebbe insieme ai pulcini.
Per tutta la vita l'aquilotto fece quel che facevano i polli nel cortile, pensando di essere uno di loro.
Frugava il terreno in cerca di vermi ed insetti, chiocciava e schiamazzava, scuoteva le ali alzandosi da terra di qualche decimetro.