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Léon Pilet | Un Coup de vent, 1888

Léon Pilet (1836-1916) was a French sculptor and medalist, known for his classical subjects in bronze.
Pilet also produced male and female figurines from clay, marble and ivory. Many of his works depict religious as well as historical figures.
Pilet presented "Le Coup de vent" during the Paris Universal Exposition of 1888, now at the Musée Granet - Aix-en-Provence.
The artist continued to exhibit at the Salon from 1861 to 1914.

Léon Pilet | Bronze de Mozart (detail)

Léon Pilet | Bronze de Mozart (detail)

Léon Pilet | Bronze de Mozart

Léon Pilet | Bronze de Mozart (detail)

Leon Pillet | Classical woman examining a pointed amphora

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Léon Pilet (1836-1916) è stato uno scultore e medaglista Francese, noto per i suoi soggetti classici realizzati in bronzo.
Pilet ha anche prodotto statuette maschili e femminili in argilla, marmo ed avorio.
Molte delle sue opere raffigurano personaggi sia religiosi che storici.

Pilet presentò "Le Coup de vent" durante l'Esposizione Universale di Parigi del 1888, ora al Musée Granet - Aix-en-Provence.
L'artista espose al Salon dal 1861 al 1914.

Leon Pillet | Athena

Leon Pillet | Cleopatra attended by her guards | Sotheby's

Leon Pillet | Cleopatra attended by her guards | Sotheby's

Leon Pillet | Cleopatra attended by her guards | Sotheby's

Leon Pillet | Cleopatra attended by her guards | Sotheby's