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José Luis Corella, 1959 | Classical realism painter

"A painting should be vivid, and not a mere composition of paint" - José Luis Corella.

Jose Luis Corella is a notable and prominent representative of Contemporary Spanish Realism.
The subtlety of the realism of his portraits encompasses the profound complexity of the human being, with everyday images transformed into wonderful works of art.
José Luis Corella was born in Valencia, Spain.

He describes his childhood like that of any other kid, within the parameters of normalcy.
A noticeable difference though, is that he spent most of his time engaged in painting, modeling or drawing.
All this done by his personal choice and freedom to do so.
Corella recalls that at age six, on the Day of Reyes (holiday where it is believed the Three Wise Men gave gifts to Jesus Christ on January 6), his parents gave him as a gift a wooden suitcase with paints, brushes, oils and some cardboard.

For Corella, this was the most appreciated treasure because it contained new material with which to paint aside his watercolors, gouches or pencils that were his usual materials.
Originating from a family of non-artists, Corella had to use his own intuition, desire and hard work in order to learn how to utilize oil paintings.
Corella had a firm belief that in order to achieve what he wanted, if he had to work and study hard to achieve it, then he would.

At the age of nine, his parents enrolled him in a technical drawing academy because due to his age they could not enroll him in avant-garde artistic drawing.
He then continued to study drawing of statues and stone carving and restoration until he entered the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Carlos de Valencia.

Corella studied at the Facultadde Bellas Artes de San Carlos in Valencia, specializing in drawing and painting. He also studied restoration, engraving and sculpture.

Corella won the popular vote in 2008, 2009, and 2015 in the BP Portrait Award in London as a result of his hard word, perseverance and amazing talent.
In 2015, he exhibited at Pauly Friedman Art Gallery of Misericordia University in Pennsylvania after Picasso, Dali and Miro.
This same year he was invited to give lectures at two universities in Ecuador and his work is studied in some universities in Mexico.

Additionally, his works have also been published in important magazines in different countries.
Over time, Corella has been involved with various subjects, always with a focused technique and exceptional drawing base.
Starting with a colorful painting bordering on impressionism, he successively experienced different stages until achieving a realistic painting with a quality that depicts perfection.

Corella allows the viewer an intimate moment with his paintings.
A moment of truth beyond all understanding.
Almost as if experiencing a frozen moment in time that has divinely captured your senses.
Right before your eyes, a stare into perfect details that define the story of an individual that most likely you will never meet, but somehow, you feel you know them.

"Un dipinto deve essere vivace e non una semplice composizione di vernice" - José Luis Corella.

José Luis Corella è nato a Valencia, in Spagna.
Descrive la sua infanzia come quella di qualsiasi altro bambino, entro i parametri della normalità.
Una differenza evidente, però, è che trascorreva la maggior parte del suo tempo impegnato a dipingere, modellare o disegnare.
Tutto questo per sua scelta personale e libertà di farlo.

Corella ricorda che all'età di sei anni, nel Giorno dei Re (festa in cui si crede che i Re Magi abbiano fatto dei doni a Gesù Cristo il 6 gennaio), i suoi genitori gli regalarono una valigia di legno con colori, pennelli, oli ed un po' di cartone.
Per Corella, questo era il tesoro più apprezzato perché conteneva nuovo materiale con cui dipingere oltre ai suoi acquerelli, gouches o matite che erano i suoi materiali abituali.

Corella vinse il voto popolare nel 2008, 2009 e 2015 al BP Portrait Award a Londra come risultato della sua dura parola, perseveranza e talento incredibile.
Nel 2015, espose alla Pauly Friedman Art Gallery della Misericordia University in Pennsylvania dopo Picasso, Dalì e Mirò.
Nello stesso anno è stato invitato a tenere lezioni in due università in Ecuador ed il suo lavoro è stato studiato in alcune università in Messico.
Inoltre, i suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati anche in importanti riviste in diversi paesi.

Nel corso del tempo, Corella si è occupato di vari argomenti, sempre con una tecnica mirata e una base di disegno eccezionale.
Iniziando con un dipinto colorato al limite dell'impressionismo, ha sperimentato successivamente diverse fasi fino a raggiungere un dipinto realistico con una qualità che raffigura la perfezione.
Corella consente all'osservatore un momento intimo con i suoi dipinti.

Quasi come se si vivesse un momento congelato nel tempo che ha divinamente catturato i tuoi sensi.
Proprio davanti ai tuoi occhi, uno sguardo su dettagli perfetti che definiscono la storia di un individuo che molto probabilmente non incontrerai mai, ma in qualche modo, senti di conoscerlo.