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Carl Schweninger | Genre painter

Carl Schweninger the Younger (1854-1912) was an Austrian painter.
Carl Schweninger was born in Vienna, Austria and came from a Viennese artist family.
He was the son of the painter Carl Schweninger the Elder (1818-1887) and brother of the painter Rosa Schweninger (1818-1918).

He learned painting first from his father, then he studied from 1871 to 1873 with Karl Mayer at the general painting school of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
After completing his studies, he went on a trip to Germany, where he also continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.
In 1883, he exhibited his work The Pocket Player at the International Art Exhibition in the Munich Glass Palace.
Carl Schweninger mainly painted Rococo genre scenes.

Many of his pictures have been published in magazines such as Die Gartenlaube, Ueber Land und Meer and Moderne Kunst.
He also crafted sculptures.
Schweninger created illustrations for the poetry of German poets, such as Ferdinand Freiligrath's O lieb 'as long as you can love and Joseph Victor von Scheffel's Der Trompeter von Säckingen. | Source: © Wikipedia

Carl Schweninger il Giovane (1854-1912) è stato un pittore Austriaco.
Imparò a dipingere prima dal padre, poi studiò dal 1871 al 1873 con Karl Mayer presso la scuola generale di pittura dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Vienna.
Dopo aver completato gli studi, fece un viaggio in Germania, dove continuò anche i suoi studi presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Monaco.
Nel 1883 espose la sua opera The Pocket Player all'Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte nel Palazzo di Vetro di Monaco.
Carl Schweninger dipinse principalmente scene di genere rococò.