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Bernard Buffet | Expressionist painter

Bernard Buffet (1928-1999) was a French painter of Expressionism and a member of the anti-abstract art group L'homme Témoin (the Witness-Man).
Bernard Buffet represents a typical demonstration of the divorce between the French and Contemporary Art.
Popular artist by excellence, Bernard Buffet loved by the public is however detested by elitists whom hold against him his prolixity: 8,000 paintings, water colors,drawings, lithographs and engravings.

"Painting, we do not talk about it, we do not analyse it, we feel it" - Bernard Buffet.

Born: Bernard Buffet, 10 July 1928, Paris, France.
Died: 4 October 1999 (aged 71) - Tourtour, France.
Nationality: French.
Education: École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Marie-Thérèse Auffray.
Known for: Painting, Drawing, Printmaking.
Movement: Expressionism.


1947 - Member of the Salon d'Automne;
1947 - Member of the Société des Artistes Indépendants;
1948 - Co-recipient of the Prix de la Critique with Bernard Lorjou;
1950 - Prix Puvis de Chavannes;
1955 - First Prize by Magazine Connaissance;
1973 - Officer of the Légion d'Honneur;
1974 - Member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts.

Bernard Buffet stato un pittore Francese, esponente dell'Espressionismo e membro dell'"Anti-Abstract Art Group" denominato "L'homme Témoin".

Nascita: 10 luglio 1928, Parigi, Francia.
Decesso: 4 ottobre 1999, Tourtour, Francia.
Educazione: La École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts,
Periodi: Neo-Espressionismo, Espressionismo.
Coniuge: Annabel Buffet (s. 1958–1999).
Noto per: Pittura, Disegno, Stampa.


1947 - Membro del Salon d'Automne;
1947 - Membro della Société des Artistes Indépendants;
1948 - Vincitore del Prix de la Critique assieme a Bernard Lorjou;
1950 - Prix Puvis de Chavannes;
1955 - First Prize proclamato dal Magazine Connaissance;
1973 - Nomina ed onorificenza della Legion d'Onore;
1974 - Membro della Académie des Beaux-Arts.